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You may be interested to know that the book has come in for strong criticism, including an accusation of deliberate manipulation of data.

See: ‘Matthew Walker's "Why We Sleep" Is Riddled with Scientific and Factual Errors’


Walker's response to the criticism can be found here: https://sleepdiplomat.wordpress.com/2019/12/19/why-we-sleep-...

Hmmmm...there's a whole article on that blog about 'why you should have a blog' which to me reminds me of 'flatting the curve' medium post which was written by a 'marketing manager'....

Are you implying that the author of the post I linked to is untrustworthy, because their site also has a post about why it’s good to have a blog? And then something about Covid which has nothing at all to do with this?

Sorry, but this is just unfair insinuation, based on nothing.

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