Hi, I am a developer of Chatbox. It is a weekend project our team created to demo an idea we found interesting - Dropbox as a platform. Please let us know your feedback :)
Chatbox stores data in Dropbox folder in user's local drive and watch for new files in that folder for incoming messages. It didn't access to user's Dropbox account nor send data to other service
Very nice idea. It's the sort of thing I'd use if it were cross platform. But for people just on OSX (and there's nothing wrong with targeting just that market for the moment) it looks great!
Thanks. We will add the most requested feature first. So you may want to vote on a Windows client on our GetSatisfaction page to help us prioritize new features http://getsatisfaction.com/chatbox
Chatbox is a tiny app we made as a proof of concept (and for fun). We didn't have any plan to charge yet.