Indeed, the original was in Flash, it was only ported to canvas much later.
I can't even notice the load on the system - Chrome's task manager tells me it's using 10% CPU, and I'm running on a 4k monitor.
EDIT: just tested with Firefox on MacOS and it's incredibly choppy and CPU-hungry. the `drawImage` call always goes over budget for RAF, there are a ton of open issues about it:
Drawing at half scale gets it back to 60ms with time to spare:
I can't even notice the load on the system - Chrome's task manager tells me it's using 10% CPU, and I'm running on a 4k monitor.
EDIT: just tested with Firefox on MacOS and it's incredibly choppy and CPU-hungry. the `drawImage` call always goes over budget for RAF, there are a ton of open issues about it:
Drawing at half scale gets it back to 60ms with time to spare: