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People need purpose, not necessarily a ‘job’, but something to occupy their time.

Kinda like Pompeii back in the day?

I think many could find purpose with hobbies, charity, and children. The main issue I have is how does one pay for that and support themself? I would gladly quit my job if I had the means.

Society is always going to be unequal – some people will have more than others.

So long as there is work, the people who have a smaller share always have the opportunity of improving their lot by working harder and smarter than others.

A society with no work is basically one in which everyone lives off their assets, in which wealth primarily comes through inheritance. A society with even more inequality than today, but with far less social mobility.

If there is no way to work, there must be no way to provide value to others. Correct? If there is no way to provide value to another then there is no inequity.

People provide non transactional value to each other all the time.

I hope that isn't your worldview, it sounds lonely.

I think you are conflating livelihood with purpose.

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