Does anybody have suggestions for apps or systems to organize reading materials? Eg. articles, papers, books and notes. Right now I use Pocket, but it's pretty much to read a quick article and throw it away. I've kept lists of papers/articles in Trello or Evernote, then I'll make notes in Evernote. I use Kindle to read books and then I translate highlights into light notes in Evernote. It's a bit of a pain though moving between the apps, and I've lost some faith in Evernote lately.
I'm looking to organize and keep track of past articles and keep lists of things to read by categories. Before I invest more into the tagging/list features that Pocket has, I'm curious to see what other people do.
Move them out to plain text files whenever I have the time. These are just text files. I add lines that begin with some keywords like "topic:", "source:" "subject:", etc. Semi regularly, check these into my git repo and sync then into my nvalt dir.
This way I can search by topic, search by date, find files with no topics, group links by domains, run stats over them, extract links for any topic, download those links into a single pdf onto my kindle, group them by year, find where I get my most interesting links, cache and index the content of the links themselves.
The act of moving from email to plain text to git keeps things in shape without going out of control. I don't care if any of the services or sources are dead, things are backed up in my email + git + devices I use.
I also got pretty good at awk, grep, cut and sort working with this.