Maybe I did something wrong, but for me getting a local X-server running, with X-forwarding from WSL1 was dead easy and something I used on a day to day basis.
Getting the same working with WSL2 was a pain in the ass, and I eventually gave up.
So if you like X-forwarding... I personally would recommend sticking to WSL1, unless that gives you other issues.
Is "X-forwarding" being able to see and interact with linux GUI apps running inside WSL on Windows? I do this to run Cypress interactively within WSL2.
I have no idea what I did (i just blindly follow some guide on a no-name blog), but I got it all working fairly effortlessly. The only slightly annoying thing is having to start the server on windows if i restart my pc, but otherwise it was pretty easy.
Getting the same working with WSL2 was a pain in the ass, and I eventually gave up.
So if you like X-forwarding... I personally would recommend sticking to WSL1, unless that gives you other issues.