The weight savings are very, very nice when you're doing long or technical hikes. The full-frame body and two lenses I hike with weigh almost 6lbs. That's not even including the filters and sturdy tripod designed for holding a "real" camera. By comparison, a good phone tripod and mount clock in at about 1.5lbs.
That being said... I enjoy printing my landscape photography. It's worth it to lug out my heavy gear because I can get nice, large prints out of it. But if you're just posting on social media, your body will thank you later for leaving those 6lbs home.
That being said... I enjoy printing my landscape photography. It's worth it to lug out my heavy gear because I can get nice, large prints out of it. But if you're just posting on social media, your body will thank you later for leaving those 6lbs home.