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Rust hasn't fundamentally changed all that much in the end, the only notable exception being `async`, and I feel like that's a pretty big success so far, being used far and wide from web servers to embedded task scheduling.

I do not currently feel like there are many different solutions to a problem - at least, not in the sense that the solutions only differ by style. Of course each problems have different solutions that are different points in the performance spectrum (static vs dynamic dispatch, etc...).

All the big features that are coming (GAT, const generics), all feel like lifting restrictions that will remove the need for hacks. To take const generics as an example, it will obsolete the need for `typenum` and `generic-array`, giving us a more consistent style. Less type-hacking is a good thing.

I do agree with the sentiment: Rust is already a big language, and has to be careful when weighting new language features to make sure they don't spend too much mental overhead. So far, I feel like they've done a good job at it.

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