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I'd say good riddance. Open core to me always felt more "openwashing" than honest attempt to build free software project/community. Part of the feeling arises from the fact that when teenager me first started learning about foss software, Linux, GNU etc one of the things that made such a great impression was that there was no feature gating, no "enterprise editions", nothing locked away. Instead I had all the power in the world on my fingertips. The idea of being built by hackers for hackers to fill their needs resonated to me a lot, not having marketing or product driven development but scratching your own itches. Open core fits very poorly to that worldview.

edit: This comment might have started out bit harsh, apologies. I did not mean to imply malice on the companies that tried to make open core work, but rather bit of naivete or misunderstanding regarding open source and building business around that.

Also commercial entities using these open source products for profit doesn't sound like it would fit either. A commercial entity is not a hacker.

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