> CASP14 #s just came out and they’re astounding—DeepMind looks to have solved protein structure prediction. Median GDT_TS went from 68.5 (CASP13) to 92.4!!!! Cf. their 2nd best CASP13 struct scored 92.8 (out of 100). Median RMSD is 2.1Å. I think it's over https://predictioncenter.org/casp14/zscores_final.cgi
Standard distance measure in most atomic-scale condensed-matter fields. Certainly inorganic crystallography/materials science/condensed matter physics.
> CASP14 #s just came out and they’re astounding—DeepMind looks to have solved protein structure prediction. Median GDT_TS went from 68.5 (CASP13) to 92.4!!!! Cf. their 2nd best CASP13 struct scored 92.8 (out of 100). Median RMSD is 2.1Å. I think it's over https://predictioncenter.org/casp14/zscores_final.cgi
[0]: https://twitter.com/MoAlQuraishi/status/1333383634649313280