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Summary of the Amazon Kinesis Event in the Northern Virginia (US-East-1) Region (amazon.com)
355 points by codesparkle on Nov 28, 2020 | hide | past | favorite | 146 comments

Running out of file handles and other IO limits is embarrassing and happens at every company, but I’m surprised that AWS was not monitoring this.

I’m also surprised at the general architecture of Kinesis. What appears to be their own hand rolled gossip protocol (that is clearly terrible compared to raft or paxos, a thread per cluster member? Everyone talking to everyone? An hour to reach consensus?) and the front end servers being stateful period breaks a lot of good design choices.

The problem with growing as fast as Amazon has is that their talent bar couldn’t keep up. I can’t imagine this design being okay 10 years ago when I was there.

> The problem with growing as fast as Amazon has is that their talent bar couldn’t keep up. I can’t imagine this design being okay 10 years ago when I was there.

I see where you're coming from with this, but you really have to wonder. It sounds more like the original architects made implicit assumptions regarding scale that, likely due to original architects and engineers moving on, were not re-evaluated by the current engineers on Kinesis as Kinesis grew. While it may take an hour now for the front-end cache to sync, I find it highly unlikely that it needed that much time when Kinesis first launched.

The process failure here is organizational, one where Amazon failed to audit its current systems in a complete and current manner such that sufficient attention and resources could be paid to a re-architecture of a critical service before it caused the service to fail. Even now, vertically scaling the front-end cache fleet is just a band-aid - eventually, that won't be possible anymore. Sadly, the postmortem doesn't seem to identify the organizational failure that was the true root cause of the outage.

Oof. My little company is refactoring some five year old architecture design choices. Ugly. Process isn't visible outside the refactor and the work is tedious. Can't imagine what a service refactor is like at A. I bet it sucks

Disclaimer: I work for AWS, but I have no ties to Kinesis. Opinions are my own.

AWS has more than enough learnings to avoid these "events". The problem is the whole culture is focused on delivering new stuff instead of preventing problems and improving existing systems.

Some folks made these decisions with best intentions. I'm pretty sure they all got promoted and then moved on. Now, people who inherited these systems have no incentive to fix these, because at most you'll receive a pat in the back. I'm also pretty sure that those teams talked about the shortcomings of the current architecture. TODOs must be present somewhere in the backlog.

I don't think this is an AWS specific problem, but we have to start treating people who prevent problems like the heroes they are. Everyone congratulates when you put out a fire. No one gives a damn if you prevent the fire in the first place.

> I don't think this is an AWS specific problem, but we have to start treating people who prevent problems like the heroes they are. Everyone congratulates when you put out a fire.

This is sort of comforting to hear that Google’s same problems have reached Amazon, in that no tech behemoth is immune to prioritizing promotion and glitz over the maintenance grind.

> No one gives a damn if you prevent the fire in the first place.


> This is sort of comforting

I would personally put emphasis on the "sort of" clause.

If bigcos with tons of resources can't align incentives to build solid software instead of deliver new features, who among us has a chance?

The GP derives comfort from exactly that point--at some point, the behemoths calcify, and the incentives that come with size lead to a slower growth, if not outright decline.

This gives the rest of us a chance to one day have our day in the sun. We can deliver solid software, precisely because we are not big. And then, perhaps one day we may have the choice of growing into a bigco ourselves, or staying small.

> "The problem is the whole culture is focused on delivering new stuff instead of preventing problems and improving existing systems."

The same disease exists at other FAANGs and large tech companies. Nobody ever gets a promo for maintenance work and being on a sustained engineering team is seen as a career dead-end.

Another reason to have technical PMs & managers... because even if they don't have meticulous understandings of underlying systems, they can make cases for additional headcount/funding and recognize efforts that will affect tomorrow's bottom lines/issues.

> Can't imagine what a service refactor is like at A. I bet it sucks

It's not all that hard. AWS heavily focuses on Service Oriented Architecture approaches, with specific knowledge/responsibility domains for each. It's a proven scalable pattern. The APIs will often be fairly straight-forward behind the front end. With clearly lines of responsibility between components, you'll almost never have to worry about what other services are doing. Just fix what you've got right in front of you. This is an area where TLA+ can come in handy too. Build a formal proof and rebuild your service based on it.

I joined Glacier 9 months after launch, and it was in the band-aid stage. In cloud services your first years will roughly look like:

1) Band-aids, and emergency refactoring. Customers never do what you expect or can predict them to do, no matter how you price your service to encourage particular behaviour. First year is very much keep the lights on focused. Fixing bugs and applying band-aids where needed. In AWS, it's likely they'll target a price decrease for re:invent instead of new features.

2) Scalability, first new feature work. Traffic will hopefully be picking up by now for your service, you'll start to see where things may need a bit of help to scale. You'll start working on the first bits of innovation for the platform. This is a key stage because it'll start to show you where you've potentially painted yourself in to a corner. (AWS will be looking for some bold feature to tout at Re:Invent)

3) Refactoring, feature work starts in earnest. You'll have learned where your issues are. Product managers, market research, leadership etc. will have ideas about what new features to be working on, and have much more of a roadmap for your service. New features will be tied in to the first refactoring efforts needed to scale as per customer workload, and save you from that corner you're painted in to.

Year 3 is where some of the fun kicks in. The more senior engineers will be driving the refactoring work, they know what and why things were done how they were done, and can likely see how things need to be. A design proposal gets created and refined over a few weeks of presentations to the team and direct leadership. It's a broad spectrum review, based around constructive criticism. Engineers will challenge every assumption and design decision. There's no expectation of perfection. Good enough is good enough. You just need to be able to justify why you made decisions.

New components will be built from the design, and plans for roll out will be worked on. In Glacier's case one mechanism we'd use was to signal to a service that $x % of requests should use a new code path. You'd test behind a whitelist, and then very very slowly ramp up public traffic in one smaller region towards the new code path while tracking metrics until you hit 100%, repeat the process on a large region slightly faster, before turning it on everywhere. For other bits we'd figure out ways to run things in shadow mode. Same requests hitting old and new code, with the new code neutered. Then compare the results.

side note: One of the key values engineers get evaluated on before reaching "Principal Engineer" level is "respect what has gone before". No one sets out to build something crap. You likely weren't involved in the original decisions, you don't necessarily know what the thinking was behind various things. Respect that those before you built something as best as suited the known constraints at the time. The same applies forwards. Respect what is before you now, and be aware that in 3-5 years someone will be refactoring what you're about to create. The document you present to your team now will help the next engineers when they come to refactor later on down the line. Things like TLA+ models will be invaluable here too.

Indeed your side note should be the first point. I see that very often in practice. As a result, products get rewritten all the time because developers dont want to spend time understanding the current system believing they can do better job than the previous one. They will create different problems. And the cycle repeats.

The not-invented-here (or by-me) syndrome is probably also at play here.

As another ex-Glacier dev, I disagree with it not being "all that hard" but I agree with everything else. Now I'm curious who this is :)

The English guy, if that's enough of a clue. It has been about 4 1/2 years now since I left Glacier, so there's every chance our paths never overlapped.

Is it PG? If so, I was an intern at the time and you were gone once I joined full time.

That's me :)

> "respect what has gone before"

Ah, Chesterton’s Fence strikes again!


Your side note should be the first point.

>> A design proposal gets created and refined over a few weeks of presentations to the team and direct leadership.

Dat soundz like a bank and not a cloud provider.

> Dat soundz like a bank and not a cloud provider.

The first stage in making something reliable, sustainable, and as easy to run as possible is to understand the problem, and understand what you're trying to achieve. You shouldn't be writing any code until you've got that figured out, other than possibly to make sure you understand something you're going to propose.

It's good software engineering, following practices learned, overhauled, and refined over decades, that have a solid track record of success. It's especially vital where you're working on something like AWS, Azure, etc. cloud services.

If you leap feet first in to solving a problem, you'll just end up with something that is unnecessarily painful down the road, even in the near term. It's often quicker to do the proposal, get it reviewed, and then produce the product than it is to dive in and discover all the gotchas as you go along. The process doesn't take too long, either.

Every service in AWS will follow similar practices, and engineers do it often enough that whipping up a proposal becomes second nature and takes very little time. Just writing the proposal in and of itself is valuable because it forces you to think through your plan carefully, and it's rare for engineers not to discover something that needs clarified when they write their plan down. (side-note: All of this paperwork is also invaluable evidence for any promotion that they may be wanting, arguably as much as actually releasing the thing to production). It shouldn't take a day to write a proposal, and you'd only need a couple of meetings a few days apart to do the initial review and final review. Depending on the scope of what came up in the initial review, the final review may be a quick rubber stamp exercise or not even necessary at all.

Where I am now, we've got an additional cross-company group of experienced engineers that can also be called on to review these proposals. They're almost always interesting sessions because it brings in engineers who will have a fresh perspective, rather than ones with preconceived notion based on how things currently are.

An anecdote I've shared in greater detail here before: Years ago we had a service component that needed created from scratch and had to be done right. There was no margin for error. If we'd made a mistake, it would have been disastrous to the service. Given what it was, two engineers learned TLA+, wrote a formal proof, found bugs, and iterated until they got it fixed. Producing the java code from that TLA+ model proved to be fairly trivial because it almost became a fill-in-the-blanks. Once it got to production, it just worked. It cut down what was expected to be a 6 months creation and careful rollout process down to just 4 months, even including time to run things in shadow mode worldwide for a while with very careful monitoring. That component never went wrong, and the operational work for it was just occasional tuning of parameters that had already been identified as needing to be tune-able during design review.

In an ideal world, we'd be able to do something like how Lockheed Martin Corps did for the space shuttles: https://www.fastcompany.com/28121/they-write-right-stuff, but good enough is good enough, and there's ultimately diminishing returns on effort vs value gained.

The hand rolled gossip protocol (DFDD) is not used for consensus, it's just used for cluster membership and health information. It's used by pretty much every foundational AWS service. There's a separate internal service for consensus that uses paxos.

The thread per frontend member definitely sounds like a problematic early design choice. It wouldn't be the first time I heard of an AWS issue due to "too many threads". Unlike gRPC, the internal RPC framework defaults to a thread per request rather than an async model. The async way was pretty painful and error prone.

Are they still using Coral and Codigo as the RPC stack?

Yeah Amazon still runs on Coral, there were some recent (release a few years ago) advances on it under the hood and ergonomically. I think the "replacement" for it is Smithy[0] though it will likely just replace the XML schema and codegen and not the protocol. Honestly at this point I think it would be in Amazon's best interest to heavily invest in Java Project Loom rather than trying to convert to async.

[0] https://awslabs.github.io/smithy/

Not Codigo, but Coral, yes.

Well, there's still codigo around, but coral is quite pleasent

Yep, that was my understanding as well. It doesn't seem to be for consensus.

Although, for Frontend servers which just do auth, routing, etc - why is P2P gossip necessary for building shard map? Possibly because retrieval of configuration information directly from the vending service may be a bottleneck - but then why not gossip with a subset of peers than every peer and the vending service which is a source of truth.

Are you sure Kinesis uses DFDD [0]?

[0] Seems like a relic of years gone by https://patents.justia.com/patent/9838240

Though I no longer work for Amazon, I'm reasonably certain they use it from the description. Especially given I know for a fact that other more foundational services use it.

Why is it a "relic of years gone by"? Consul uses a similar, though more advanced technique[0]. Consul may not be as widely used as etcd, but I don't think most would consider it a relic.

[0] https://www.consul.io/docs/architecture/gossip

That patent is from when Kinesis Data Streams were originally announced to the public. Any reason not to think it uses it. Seems like it would have been a logical choice in the initial architecture and change is slow.

I led the storage engine prototyping for Kinesis in 2012 (the best time in my career so far).

Kinesis uses Chain Replication, a dead simple fault tolerante storage algorithm: machines formed a chain, data flow from head to tail in one direction, writes always start at head, and read at tail, new nodes always join at tail, but nodes can be kicked out at any position.

The membership management of chain node is done through a paxos-based consensus service like chubby or zookeeper. Allan [2] (the best engineer I personally worked with so far, way better than anyone I encountered) wrote that system. The Java code quality shows itself after the first glance. Not mentioning the humbleness and openness in sharing his knowledge during early design meetings.

I am not sure what protocol is actually used now. But I would be surprised it's different, given the protocol's simplicity and performance.

[1] https://www.cs.cornell.edu/home/rvr/papers/OSDI04.pdf [2] https://www.linkedin.com/in/allan-vermeulen-58835b/

Can you explain why the sequence numbers are so giant? I've never understood that.

I dont remember the size, is it 128bits?

It was chosen for future expansion. Kinesis was envisioned to be a much larger-scale Kafka + Storm (storm was the streaming programming framework popular in 2012, it was since falls out of favor).

128bit might be accurate, I meant more along the lines of they are non-contiguous and don't seem to be correlated with the amount of records actually being written to a stream.

I always assumed they were sequential per-region rather than per-stream, but that’s just a guess.

I recall it was sequential per-shard, but no ordering among the shards of the same stream. But I literally haven't touch Kinesis after 2013.

I don't think it's about growing fast so much as, from those I talked to, Amazon now has a fairly bad reputation in the tech community. You only go to work there if you don't have a better option (Google, Facebook, etc) or have some specialty skill they're willing to pay for. Pay is below other FAANG companies and the work culture isn't great (toxic even some would say).

edit: They also had the most disorganized and de-centralized interview approach from all the FAANG companies I talked with. Which isn't growing pains this far in, it's just bad management and process.

Just as a general reminder to anyone reading this: forum comments are incredibly biased and hardly ever represent reality accurately.

Yup, as I said, just my personal observations based on those I talked to. Your mileage will vary.

Interesting re interview experience

I interviewed as a new grad SWE and the process was totally straightforward, and way lower friction (albeit much less human interaction, which made it feel even more impersonal) than almost everywhere else I applied: initial online screen, online programming task, and then a video call with an engineer where you explained your answer to the programming task.

I was doing machine learning so more specialized than regular SDE. Other companies it was talk to recruiter, phone screen with manager, and then virtual onsite interviews. Hiring was either not team specific or the recruiter helped manage the process (ie: what does this role actually need). Very clear directions on what type of questions will be asked, format of the interviews, what to prepare for, etc. Amazon the recruiter just told me to look on the job site and then, despite me being clear, applied me to the wrong role. Then got one of those automated coding exercises despite 15 year experience and an internal referral. Wasn't hard but it also pointless since the coding exercise was for the wrong role. Finally got a phone screen and they asked me nothing but pedantic college textbook questions for 40 minutes. Recruiter provided no warning for that.

edit: You could blame the recruiter but every other company had a well oiled machine for their recruiters. So even if they provided only generic information there was still a standard process for what they provided.

The process for new grads and interns is different from industry hires and is decided by team.

Why doesn't Amazon have one bar across the company ? Doesn't it lead to varying levels of talent across orgs ?

That's what bar raisers are for

> I don't think it's about growing fast so much as, from those I talked to, Amazon now has a fairly bad reputation in the tech community.

My personal observation having known quite a few Amazon SWEs and interviewed them.

The bad rep is only for the junior roles. SWEs who work at AWS and are high L5+ are pretty solid.

What exactly does high L5+ mean?

SWEs who weren't just recently promoted to L5 at Amazon. They have some experience at that level. Granted, there could be some bias because it's not easy to pinpoint when they were promoted.

As a recently promoted L5, what bad rep should I be shielding myself from as a junior?

Very anecdotal

Here's some anecdata that matches up with GP[0]. Note how Amazon is substantially worse-rated than most other companies.


Disclaimer: Am Amazon employee

It irks me to this day that AWS all-hands meetings (circa 2015) celebrated an exponential hiring curve (as in the graph was greeted with applause and touted as evidence of success by the speaker). The next plot would be an exponential revenue curve with approximately the same shape. Meanwhile the median lifespan of an engineer was ~10 months. I don't know, I just couldn't square that one in my head.

> What appears to be their own hand rolled gossip protocol (that is clearly terrible compared to raft or paxos)

Raft and Paxos are not gossip protocols - they are consensus protocols.

Fair. What I meant to say is “hand rolling a way to have consensus on a shared piece of data” by implementing it with a naive gossip system.

If you want to eat in a restaurant it's better not to look in the kitchen :-|

As someone who is in another high growth start up, one of the fastest in the world (not hyperbole) I wish I could upvote this specific comment more: "The problem with growing as fast as Amazon has is that their talent bar couldn’t keep up. I can’t imagine this design being okay 10 years ago when I was there."

I came to the realization about a year ago, that there are definitely talent tiers and unless you are working super hard at recruiting and paying top dollar, the cliff edge approaches fast and is very very steep.

AWS frontend services are usually implemented in Java. If Kinesis' frontend does too, then it's surprising that the threads created by a frontend service would exceed the OS limit. This tells three possibilities: 1. Kinesis did not impose a max thread count in their app, which is a gross omission; 2. Or there was a resource leak in their code. 3. Each of their frontend instances stored all the placement information of backend servers, which means their frontend was not scalable by backend size.

My understanding is that every front end server has at least one connection (on a dedicated thread) to every other front end server.

Assuming they have say, 5000 front end instances, thats 5000 file descriptors being used just for this, before you are even talking about whatever threads the application needs.

It’s not surprising that they bumped into ulimits, though as part of OS provisioning, you typically have those tuned for workload.

More concerning is the 5000 x 5000 amount of open tcp sessions across their network to support this architecture. This has to be a lot of fun on any stateful firewall it might cross.

The tcp connections are probably not an issue, working in cloud it's never something I've seen worried about, so maybe the architecture doesn't have that limitation?

Any time you traverse a firewall or a NAT you’ll run into issues if you have a massive amount of open sessions and you are dealing with a stateful FW.

Just because you haven’t encountered it doesn’t mean it’s not there, it’s probably just properly tuned and balanced for the load.

Yeah, I believe that. I'm not sure this applies to something like AWS though, where firewall like capability is provided via a layer spread over thousands or greater of instances.

The virtual firewalls running on the virtual networks in AWS for their customers are not the same as the layer 2 firewalls that exist in their data centers internally.

Yep. Having each front end needing to scale with the overall size of the front end sounds is obviously going to hit some scaling limit. It's not clear to me from the summary why they are doing that. If it's for the shard-map or cache? Maybe if the front end is stateful that's a way to do stickiness? Seems we can only guess.

Kinesis was the worst AWS tech I've ever used. Splitting a stream into shards doesn't increase throughput if you still need to run the same types/number of consumers on every shard. The suggested workaround at the time was to use larger batches and add latency to the processing pipeline.

I’ve noticed a strong tendency for older systems to accumulate “spaghetti architecture”, where newer employees add new subsystems and tenured employees are blind to the early design mistakes they made. For instance, in this system, it sound like they added a complicated health check mechanism at some point to bounce faulty nodes.

Now, they don’t know how it behaves, so they’re afraid to take corrective actions in production.

They built that before ensuring that they logged the result of each failed system call. The prioritization seems odd, but most places look at logging as a cost center, and the work of improving it as drudgery, even though it’s far more important than shiny things like automatic response to failures, and also takes a person with more experience to do properly.

I can't remember which db, but somebody a while back claimed that one of Amazon's "infinitely scalable" dbs was tons of abstraction on top a massive heap of MySQL instances.

I don't trust anything outside core services on AWS. Regardless of whether the rumor I heard is true, it's clear they appreciate quantity over quality.

Disclosure: I work at AWS, possibly near the system you're describing. Opinions are my own.

If we're talking about the same thing then I think casting stones just because it is based on MySQL is severely misguided. MySQL has decades of optimizations and this particular system at Amazon has solved scaling problems and brought reliability to countless services without ever being the direct cause of an outage (to the best of my knowledge).

Indeed, MySQL is not without its flaws but many of these are related to its quirks in transactions and replication which this system completely solves. The cherry on top is that you have a rock solid database with a familiar querying language and a massive knowledge base to get help from when needed. Oh, and did I mention this system supports multiple storage engines besides just MySQL/InnoDB?

I for one wish we would open source this system though there are a ton of hurdles both technical and not. I think it would do wonders for the greater tech community by providing a much better option as your needs grow beyond a single node system. It has certainly served Amazon well in that role and I've heard Facebook and YouTube have similar systems based on MySQL.

To further address your comment about Amazon/AWS lacking quality: this system is the epitome of our values of pragmatism and focusing our efforts on innovating where we can make the biggest impact. Hand rolling your own storage engines is fun and all but countless others have already spent decades doing so for marginal gains.

> the system you're describing

Why all the mysterious cloak-and-dagger?

It is possible that the person I replied to could be talking about an entirely different piece of software. Another reason is that the specifics of the system I'm referring to are not public knowledge.

The more important takeaway is that building on top of MySQL/InnoDB is perfectly fine and that is what I tried to emphasize.

Especially if it's the one I'm thinking of, too. It's a damn solid architecture.

This is really common and works pretty awesomely. MySQL is extremely battle tested and there’s lots of experts out there for it.

FB built a similar system to maintain their graph: https://blog.yugabyte.com/facebooks-user-db-is-it-sql-or-nos...

It’s a ton of tiny DBs that look like one massive eventually consistent DB

What’s the problem with this? Anything that’s scalable is “just an abstraction” on top of a heap of shards/processes/nodes/data centers/whatever.

I believe someone allegedly from AWS said DynamoDB was written on top of MySQL (on top of InnoDB, really) [0] which would be similar to what Uber and Pinterest did as well. [1]

[0] https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=18426096

[1] https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=12605026

At more than one of my jobs, this has been exactly the right way to horizontally scale relational workloads and has gone very well.

Sounds like Dynamo

if this is dynamo, this is just a bunch of BS. you cannot get the latencies DDB has with a ton of abstractions on top of MySql.

The one thing I want to know in cases like this is: why did it affect multiple Availability Zones? Making a resource multi-AZ is a significant additional cost (and often involves additional complexity) and we really need to be confident that typical observed outages would actually have been mitigated in return.

Multi-AZ doesn't protect against a software/OS issue like this, Multi-AZ would be relevant if it was an infrastructure failure (e.g. underlying EC2 instances or networking).

The relevant resiliency pattern in this case would be what they refer to as cell-based architecture, where within an AZ services are broken down into smaller independent cells to minimize the blast radius.

They specifically mention in the write-up that this was a gap they plan to address, the "backend" portion of Kinesis was already cellularized but that step had not yet been completed on the "frontend".

Celluarization in combination with workload partitioning would have helped, e.g. don't run Cloudwatch, Cognito and Customer workloads on the same set of cells.

It is also important to note that celluarization only helps in this case if they limit code deployment to a limited number of cells at a time.

This YouTube video[1] of a re:invent presentation does a great job of explaining it. The cell-based stuff, starts around minute 20.

1. https://youtu.be/swQbA4zub20

Another relevant point made in the video is that they restrict cells to a maximum size which then makes it easier to test behavior at that size. This would have also helped avoid this specific issue since the number of threads would have been tied to the number of instances in a cell.

I definitely recommend checking out the video. Even if you have seen it before, rewatching it in the context of this post-mortem really makes it hit home.

> Another relevant point made in the video is that they restrict cells to a maximum size which then makes it easier to test behavior at that size.

Googlers would be quick to point out that Borg does this natively across all their services: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=19393926

As another googler, I'd argue that Borg's concept of cells aren't like what Amazon is calling "cells" here. Borg cells are, as far as I can tell, akin to an AWS Zone. There are similar concepts within Google that match the concept of "an application unit that is in multiple compute units but is isolated from other similar application units, and can be used for a singular customer or workload". There are multiple terms for this concept, which I'd be happy to share within Google.

but why does a Kinesis outage due to a capacity increase affect multiple AZs, if one assumes the capacity increase (and the frontend servers impacted by it) are in a single zone?

Indeed. We're paying (and designing our systems to work on multiple AZs) to reduce the risk of outages, but then their back-end services are reliant on services in a sole region?

(Disclaimer: I work for AWS but opinions are my own. I also do not work with the Kinesis team.)

Nearly all AWS services are regional in scope, and for many (if not most) services, they are scaled at a cellular level within a region. Accounts are assigned to specific cells within that region.

There are very, very few services that are global in scope, and it is strongly discouraged to create cross-regional dependencies -- not just as applied to our customers, but to ourselves as well. IAM and Route 53 are notable exceptions, but they offer read replicas in every region and are eventually consistent: if the primary region has a failure, you might not be able to make changes to your configuration, but the other regions will operate on read-only replicas.

This incident was regional in scope: us-east-1 was the only impacted region. As far as I know, no other region was impacted by this event. So customers operating in other regions were largely unaffected. (If you know otherwise, please correct me.)

As a Solutions Architect, I regularly warn customers that running in multiple Availability Zones is not enough. Availability Zones protect you from many kinds of physical infrastructure failures, but not necessarily from regional service failures. So it is super important to run in multiple regions as well: not necessarily active-active, but at least in a standby mode (i.e. "pilot light") so that customers can shed traffic from the failing region and continue to run their workloads.

This outage highlighted our dependency on Cognito. Everything else we are doing can (and probably should) be replicated to another region, which would resolve these types of issues.

However, Cognito is very region specific and there is currently no way to run in active-active or even in standby mode. The problem is user accounts; you can't sync them to another region and you can't back-up/restore them (with passwords). Until AWS comes up with some way to run Cognito in a cross-region fashion, we are pretty much stuck in a single region and vulnerable to this type of outage in the future.

Please bring this to the attention of your account team! They will bring your feedback to the service team. While I can’t speak for the Cognito team, I can assure you they care deeply about customer satisfaction.

That's a great idea. I'm writing an email right now! :)

What do you mean by cross-regional dependencies? Isn't running in multi-region setup is by itself adding dependency?

Speaking about multi-region services. What do you think about Google now offering all three major building pieces as multi-regional?

They have muti-regional buckets, LB with single anycast IP, document db (firebase). Pubsub can route automatically to nearest region. Nothing like this is available in amazon, well only DIY building blocks.

If your workload can run in region B even if there is a serious failure of a service in region A, in which your workload normally runs, then no, you have not created a cross-regional dependency.

When I talk about cross regional dependency, I talk about an architectural decision that can lead to a cascading failure in region B, which is healthy by all accounts, when there is a failure in region A.

AWS has services that allow for regional replication and failover. DynamoDB, RDS, and S3 all offer cross region replication. And Global Accelerator provides an anycast IP that can front regional services and fail over in the event of an incident.

I haven't used global accelerator but it doesn't look like the same. On landing page it says: "Your traffic routing is managed manually, or in console with endpoint traffic dials and weights".

“Global Accelerator continuously monitors the health of all endpoints. When it determines that an active endpoint is unhealthy, Global Accelerator instantly begins directing traffic to another available endpoint. This allows you to create a high-availability architecture for your applications on AWS.”


Alternatively, global load balancing with Route 53 remains a viable, mature option as well. Health checks and failover are fully supported.


I, as many people have, discovered this when something broke in one of the golden regions. In my case cloudfront and ACM.

Realistically you can’t trust one provider at all if you have high availability requirements.

The justification is apparently that the cloud is taking all this responsibility away from people but from personal experience running two cages of kit at two datacenters the TCO was lower and the reliability and availability higher. Possibly the largest cost is navigating Harry-Potter-esque pricing and automation laws. The only gain is scaling past those two cages.

Edit: I should point out however that an advantage of the cloud is actually being able to click a couple of buttons and get rid of two cages worth of DC equipment instantly if your product or idea doesn't work out!

>you can’t trust one provider at all

The hard part with multi-cloud is, you're just increasing your risk of being impacted by someone's failure. Sure if you're all-in on AWS and AWS goes down, you're all-out. But if you're on [AWS, GCP] and GCP goes down, you're down anyway. Even though AWS is up, you're down because Google went down. And if you're on [AWS, GCP, Azure] and Azure goes down, it doesn't matter than AWS and GCP are up... you're down because Azure is down. The only way around that is architecting your business to run with only one of those vendors, which means you're paying 3x more than you need to 99.99999% of the time.

The probability that one of [AWS, Azure, GCP] is down is way higher than the probability that just one of them is down. And the probability that your two cages in your datacenter is down is way higher than the probability that any one of the hyperscalers is down.

> which means you're paying 3x more than you need to 99.99999% of the time.

This would be a poor decision. If you assume AWS, GCP, and Azure would fail independently, you can pay 1.5x. Each of the 3 services would be scaled to take 50% of your traffic. If any one fails, you would then still be able to handle 100%. This is a common way to structure applications. Assuming independence means that more replicas result in less overprovisioning. 1 replica means needing to provision 2x. Having 5 independent replicas means, you need to provision 1.25x to be resilient against one failure as each replica will be scaled at 25%.

In general, N replicas need N/(N-1) over provisioning to be resilient against one replica failing.

I disagree. It’s about mitigating the risk of a single provider’s failure. Single providers go down all the time. We’ve seen it from all three major cloud vendors.

You disagree with what? That relying on three vendors increases your risk of being impacted by one? That's just statistics. You can disagree with it, but that doesn't make it incorrect.

Or do you disagree that planning for a total failure of one and running redundant workloads on other vendors increases your costs 99.99999% of the time? Because that's a fairly standard SLA from each of the major vendors. Let's even reduce it to EC2's SLA, 99.99%. So 99.99% of the time you're paying 3x as much as you need to be paying just to maintain your services an extra four hours per year. Again, you can disagree with that but that doesn't make it incorrect.

Some businesses might need that extra four hours, the cost of the extra services might be cheaper than the cost of four hours of downtime per year. But you're not going to find many businesses like that. Either you're running completely redundant workloads, paying 3x as much for an extra 4 hours per year, or you're going to be taken offline when any one of the three go down independently of each other.

Single providers go down, yes. And three providers go down three times as often as one. Either you're massively overspending or you're tripling your risk of downtime. If multi-cloud worked, you'd be hearing people talking about it and their success stories would fill the front page of Hacker News. They don't, because it doesn't.

How do you test failover from provider-wide outages?

I’ve never heard of an untested failover mechanism that worked. Most places are afraid to invoke such a thing, even during a major outage.

That’s fairly simple. Regular scenario planning, drills and suitable chaos engineering tooling.

Being afraid of failures is a massive sign of problems. I’ve worked in those sorts of places before.

ACM and CloudFront being sticky to us-east-1 is particularly annoying. I’m happy not being multi regional (I don’t have that level of DR requirements), but these types of services require me to incorporate all the multi region complexity.

Harry-Potter-esque pricing?

Is that a reference to the difficulty of calculating the cost of visiting all the rides at universal? That's my best guess...

It's more a stab at the inconsistency of rules around magic.

"Well this pricing rule only works on a Tuesday lunch time if you're standing on one leg with a sausage under each arm and a traffic cone on your head"

And there are a million of those to navigate.

AWS should make this more transparent so that we make better design choices.

This is a pretty damn decent post mortem so soon after the outage. Also gives an architectural analysis of how Kinesis works which is something they had not have to do at all.

> During the early part of this event, we were unable to update the Service Health Dashboard because the tool we use to post these updates itself uses Cognito, which was impacted by this event.


Then, to be fair:

> We have a back-up means of updating the Service Health Dashboard that has minimal service dependencies. While this worked as expected, we encountered several delays during the earlier part of the event in posting to the Service Health Dashboard with this tool, as it is a more manual and less familiar tool for our support operators. To ensure customers were getting timely updates, the support team used the Personal Health Dashboard to notify impacted customers if they were impacted by the service issues.

I'm curious if anyone here actually got one of these.

The PHD is always updated first, long before the global status page is updated. Every single one of my clients that use AWS got updates on the PHD literally hours before the status page was even showing any issues, which is typical. It’s the entire point of the PHD.

Through reading Reddit and HN during this event I learned that most people apparently aren’t even aware of the existence of the PHD and rely solely on the global status page, despite the fact that there is a giant “View my PHD” button at the very top of the global status page, and additionally there is a notification icon on the header of every AWS console page that lights up and links you directly to the PHD whenever there is an issue.

The PHD is always where you should look first. It is, by design, updated long before the global status page is.

> despite the fact that there is a giant “View my PHD” button at the very top of the global status page

If you don’t know what the PHD is, a big button pointing to it won’t do anything. People ignore big boxes of irrelevant stuff all the time.

AWS user of ~8 years and I’ve never heard of the PHD nor this sequencing of updating it first.

I can't say for sure that the company I work for didn't, but it certainly didn't make it's way to me and there are only 8 of us.

My employer is a pretty big spender with AWS. I didn't hear anything about anybody getting status updates from a "Personal Health Dashboard" or anywhere else. I can't be 100% sure such an update would have made its way to me, but given the amount of buzzing, it's hard to believe that somebody had info like that and didn't share it.

Yes, we had some messages coming through in our PHD.

This won't be a first. The status page was hosted in S3. It is hilarious in the hindsight, but understandable.

> but understandable

Is it really? I get the value of eating your own dogfood, it improves things a lot.

But your status page? Such a high importance, low difficulty thing to build that dogfeeding it gives you small amount of benefits (dogfeed something bigger/more complex instead) in the good case, and high amount of drawback when things go wrong (like when your infrastructure goes down, so does your status page). So what's the point?

I can really imafgine what happened: Engineer wants to host dashboard at different provider for resilience. Manager argues that they cant do this, it would be embarassing if anybody found out. And why choose another provider? Aws has multiple AZs and cant be down everywhere at the same moment. Engineer then says „fu it“ and just builds it on a single solution.


I can confirm we got the Personal Health Dashboard notifications.

The failure to update the Service Health Dashboard was due to reliance on internal services to update. This also happened in March 2017[0]. Perhaps a general, instead of piecemeal, approach to removing dependencies on running services from the dashboard would be valuable here?

0: https://aws.amazon.com/message/41926/

But this time it was a _different_ dependency. They just want to make sure all dependencies are ruled out before migrating to GCP :)

From the postmortem:

At 9:39 AM PST, we were able to confirm a root cause [...] the new capacity had caused all of the servers in the fleet to exceed the maximum number of threads allowed by an operating system configuration.

Minor detail, but is anyone else irritated by the use of the word "learnings" instead of "lessons"? "To learn" is a verb. Nouning verbs seems to be an unnecessary operationalization.

They’re calling it an “Event”, title should say “Summary of the Amazon Kinesis Outage...”

Even today I had a few minutes of intermittent networking outages around 9:30am EST (which started on the day of the incident), and compared to other regions, I frequently get timeouts when calling S3 from us-east-1 (although that has been happening since forever).

Seems to me that the root problem could also be fixed by not using presumably blocking application threads talking to each of the other servers. Any async or poll mechanism wouldn't require N^2 threads across the pool.

I wonder if the new wonders coming out from linux (io_uring...) would have made this a better design, but that work in the kernel is still in active development.

So the cause of outage boils down to not having a metric on total file descriptors with an alarm if usage gets within 10% of the Max and a faulty scaling plan that should of said "for every N backend hosts we add we must add X frontend hosts". One metric and a couple of lines in a wiki could have saved Amazon what is probably millions in outage related costs. One wonders if Amazon retail will start hedging its bets and go multicloud to prevent impacts on the retail customers from AWS LSE's.

root-cause tldr:

...[adding] new capacity [to the front-end fleet] had caused all of the servers in the [front-end] fleet to exceed the maximum number of threads allowed by an operating system configuration [number of threads spawned is directly proportional to number of servers in the fleet]. As this limit was being exceeded, cache construction was failing to complete and front-end servers were ending up with useless shard-maps that left them unable to route requests to back-end clusters.


...moving to larger CPU and memory servers [and thus fewer front-end servers]. Having fewer servers means that each server maintains fewer threads.

...making a number of changes to radically improve the cold-start time for the front-end fleet.

...moving the front-end server [shard-map] cache [that takes a long time to build, up to an hour sometimes?] to a dedicated fleet.

...move a few large AWS services, like CloudWatch, to a separate, partitioned front-end fleet.

...accelerate the cellularization [0] of the front-end fleet to match what we’ve done with the back-end.

[0] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=swQbA4zub20 and https://assets.amazon.science/c4/11/de2606884b63bf4d95190a3c...

I wonder how many of them are already logged engineering tasks which never got prioritized because of the aggressive push to add features.

Unsurprising to see such outages also tickling bugs/issues in the fallback behavior of dependent services that were intended to tolerate outages. There must be some classic law of cascading failures caused by error handling code :)

> Amazon Cognito uses Kinesis Data Streams [...] this information streaming is designed to be best effort. Data is buffered locally, allowing the service to cope with latency or short periods of unavailability of the Kinesis Data Stream service. Unfortunately, the prolonged issue with Kinesis Data Streams triggered a latent bug in this buffering code that caused the Cognito webservers to begin to block on the backlogged Kinesis Data Stream buffers.

> And second, Lambda saw impact. Lambda function invocations currently require publishing metric data to CloudWatch as part of invocation. Lambda metric agents are designed to buffer metric data locally for a period of time if CloudWatch is unavailable. Starting at 6:15 AM PST, this buffering of metric data grew to the point that it caused memory contention on the underlying service hosts used for Lambda function invocations, resulting in increased error rates.

One requirement on my "production ready" checklist is that any catastrophic system failure can be resolved by starting a completely new instance of the service, and it be ready to serve traffic inside 10 minutes.

That should be tested at least quarterly (but preferably automatically with every build).

If Amazon did that, this outage would have been reduced to 10 mins, rather than the 12+ hours that some super slow rolling restarts took...

This only works for stateless services. If you’ve got frontends that take longer than 10 mins to serve traffic then you have a problem.

But if you’re running a DB or a storage system, 10 mins is a blink of an eye. Storage systems in particular can run a few hundred TB per node and moving that data to another node can take over an hour.

In this case, the frontends have a shard map which is definitely not stateless. This is typically okay if you have a fast load operation which blocks other traffic until shard map is fully loaded

It's possible (albeit much harder) for stateful services too.

It basically boils down to "We must be able to restore the minimum necessary parts of a full backup in under 10 minutes".

Take wikipedia as an example. I'd expect them to be able to restore a backup of the latest version of all pages in 10 minutes. It's 20GB of data, and I assume it's sharded at least 10 ways. That means each instance will have to grab 2GB from the backups. Very do-able.

As a service gets bigger, you typically scale horizontally, so the problem doesn't get harder.

Restoring all the old page versions and re enabling editing might take longer, but that's less critical functionality.

The same OS limits would apply to new instances, unless they knew the root cause and forced new instances to be configured with larger descriptor limits, which is....well, hindsight is 20/20, no?

Kinesis probably runs well over 100k instances. Restarting it might not be so trivial that you can do it in 10 minutes.

> Cellularization is an approach we use to isolate the effects of failure within a service, and to keep the components of the service (in this case, the shard-map cache) operating within a previously tested and operated range. This had been under way for the front-end fleet in Kinesis, but unfortunately the work is significant and had not yet been completed.

Translation: The eng team knew that they had accumulated tech debt by cutting a corner here in order to meet one of Amazon's typical and insane "just get the feature out the door" timelines. Eng warned management about it, and management decided to take the risk and lean on on-call to pull heroics to just fix any issues as they come up. Most of the time yanking a team out of bed in the middle of the night works, so that's the modus operandi at Amazon. This time, the actual problem was more fundamental and wasn't effectively addressable with middle-of-the-night heroics.

Management rolled the "just page everyone and hope they can fix it" dice yet again, as they usually do, and this time they got snake eyes.

I guarantee you that the "cellularization" of the front-end fleet wasn't actually under way, but the teams were instead completely consumed with whatever the next typical and insane "just get the feature out the door" thing was at AWS. The eng team was never going to get around to cellularizing the front-end fleet because they were given no time or incentive to do so by management. During/after this incident, I wouldn't be surprised if management didn't yell at the eng team, "Wait, you KNEW this was a problem, and you're not done yet?!?" Without recognizing that THEY are the ones actually culpable for failing to prioritize payments on tech debt vs. "new shiny" feature work, which is typical of Amazon product development culture.

I've worked with enough former AWS engineers to know what goes on there, and there's a really good reason why anybody who CAN move on from AWS will happily walk away from their 3rd- and 4th-year stock vest schedules (when the majority of your promised amount of your sign-on RSUs actually starts to vest) to flee to a company that fosters a healthy product development and engineering culture.

(Not to mention that, this time, a whole bunch of peoples' Thanksgiving plans were preempted with the demand to get a full investation and post-mortem written up, including the public post, ASAP. Was that really necessary? Couldn't it have waited until next Wednesday or something?)

Ow, this was traumatizing to relive.

Yes, this is exactly how product development works at many (if not most) places within Amazon for engineers. It can be this toxic.

Disclaimer: Amazon engineer

Hahaha, well this time Jessy got paged so yeah... the summary got priority over turkey.

From the summary I don't understand why front end servers need to talk to each other ("continuous processing of messages from other Kinesis front-end servers"). It sounds like this is part of building the shard map or the cache. Well in the end an unfortunate design decision. #hugops for the team handling this. Cascading failures are the worst.

How does the architecture of Kinesis compare to Kafka? If you scale up the number of Kafka brokers can you hit similar problem? Or does Kafka not rely on creating threads to connect to each other broker

Kafka uses a thread pool for request processing. Both the brokers and the consumer clients use the same request processing loop.

This goes a bit more in-depth: https://jaceklaskowski.gitbooks.io/apache-kafka/content/kafk...

They didn’t really discuss their remediation plans but maybe having one fleet of servers for everything isn’t the best setup. I’d love to know which OS setting they ran into. In their defense this is exactly the sort of change that never shows up in testing because the dev and qa environments are always smaller then production.

I’m wondering how many people Amazon fired over this incident - that seems to be their goto answer to everything.

us-east-1 is AWS’s dirty secret. If ddb had gone down there, there would likely be a worldwide and multi-service interruption.

> the new capacity had caused all of the servers in the fleet to exceed the maximum number of threads allowed by an operating system configuration. [...] We didn’t want to increase the operating system limit without further testing

Is it because operating system configuration is managed by a different team within the organization?

Nope. It's just a case of "stop the bleeding before starting the surgery."

More likely they need to understand what effect changing the thread limit would have - for example it could increase kernel memory usage or increase scheduler latency. It’s not something you want to mess with in an outage.

I’ve heard AWS follows a you build it, you run it policy, so that seems unlikely. Just seems prudent to not mess with OS settings in a hurry.

If you start haphazardly changing things while firefighting without testing, you might make things even worse. And there's worse things than downtime, for instance if the system appears to work but you're actually silently corrupting customer data.

"and it turned out this wasn’t driven by memory pressure. Rather, the new capacity had caused all of the servers in the fleet to exceed the maximum number of threads allowed by an operating system configuration."

An auto scaling irony for AWS! We seem to be back to the late 1990s :)

A tangential question, why would AWS even use the term "microservice"? A service is a service, right? I'm not sure what the term "microservice" signifies here.

It’s because service can be confused with “AWS Service” which is not the same as a microservice (a component of a full service)

I would have started the response with:

First of all, we want to apologize for the impact this event caused for our customers. While we are proud of our long track record of availability with Amazon Kinesis, we know how critical this service is to our customers, their applications and end users, and their businesses. We will do everything we can to learn from this event and use it to improve our availability even further.

Then move on to explain...

What they did was fine.

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