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Sony Implicates 'Anonymous' in PSN Hack (wsj.com)
9 points by chopsueyar on May 5, 2011 | hide | past | favorite | 6 comments

"Someone from the internet did it!"

If anonymous didn't do this then this is a very stupid move on Sony's part, cause anonymous will be quite pissed. Also, I wonder if anonymous would have published the hacked data if they did it, rather than keeping it private and (possibly) selling it. Either way, Sony doesn't seem to benefit from releasing this information to the public.

but anonymous is not simply one group, it's an idea... it's very likely there's another independent group of people that orchestrated attacks against sony. they too have the right to call themselves as anonymous, as long as they are.

it's likely anonymous and sony where right first denying and then implicating anonymous' involvement in hacks.

It's possible that the one or more people behind this are a splinter group of Anonymous, who have been involved but in more secrecy for this. It's possible they're completely seperate but felt a connection to Anonymous and so decided to class themselves the same way. Or it's possible the hackers don't give a damn about Anonymous, but thought it was a great way to get LEOs looking into people who are known to be affiliated with Anonymous, and/or looking away from the actual hackers. If I were to steal credit card data in this way right now, I'd sure as hell pin the blame on Anonymous if I thought I could.

The submitter obviously did not even read the article. The title is false:

"Asked whether it knew who had carried out the attacks, Sony responded with a single word: No."

First, if the file gave the name of the person who did it, that would implicate them but not neccesarily be proof enough for Sony to "know" it.

Secondly, knowing that "Anonymous" did it doesn't mean they know who did it. The clue is in the word "anonymous".

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