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> Basically, as I mentioned above... if open source doesn't work for you, it's your fault for not fixing it.

Uh, I'm releasing other open source software (really free as opposed to shotgun-free, btw) which I have labored on in both private and professional time. I am already part of the "open source" community in my own areas of expertise, and that's more than most people do. It is not my fault nor my responsibility that the OpenMoko FreeRunner's UI is in a primitive state, nor am I obligated in any way to fix it. Every developer has their spheres of expertise, and you can't expect everyone to contribute to every project. Nor do they have to contribute in order to have the right to an opinion.

My video was certainly more constructive and fair than it had to be, I could have really laid into them. All I'm doing is pointing out that the FSF's contention that the OpenMoko project is anywhere near ready to challenge the current gen of smartphones is totally absurd.

> The developers will love you forever if you help them fix it. So will everyone else.

Fortunately I have a feeling of self-worth driven by other projects besides the OpenMoko project. I don't have to be involved with the project to express an opinion about it. And can anyone who has watched the video say I was inaccurate with either of them?

> So get off your ass and start helping, or at least stop criticizing the people that are donating their time to help keep software Free.

I am not criticizing the people, I am criticizing the product and the FSF's assertions. Completely different things. The OpenMoko guys are great, and I wish them luck. They need it, the smartphone market is in high gear with a lot of competition, and Apple has set the "good" UI bar and "quality" hardware bar extremely high.

So stop making excuses. A spade is a spade, and the FSF's bullshit "5 reasons to avoid iPhone" article is an atrocious me-tool hype-grabber on the order of RMS's criticism of Gates's philanthropy.

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