> My problem is that some of that building should've been sensible defaults
Vim suffers a bit from the design equivalent of tech debt. Much of the defaults and common behaviors were created based on the limits of software/ hardware 30+ years ago. Those limits still affect current design.
> Also the author failed to talk about the #1 killer feature of VSC, the reason for its meteoric rise in popularity — intellisense.
Given a fairly small amount of configuration, you can get autocomplete which is nearly as good as Intellisense in VSCode. For Typescript anyhow, the autocompletion comes from the same source background process.
Vim suffers a bit from the design equivalent of tech debt. Much of the defaults and common behaviors were created based on the limits of software/ hardware 30+ years ago. Those limits still affect current design.
> Also the author failed to talk about the #1 killer feature of VSC, the reason for its meteoric rise in popularity — intellisense.
Given a fairly small amount of configuration, you can get autocomplete which is nearly as good as Intellisense in VSCode. For Typescript anyhow, the autocompletion comes from the same source background process.