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Today I've learned what I've been thinking as please in my genital is actually a tension. Vajroli mudra seems to help to alleviate this tension.

Today I've learned that tension lined up in thyroid-adam's apple-clavicular can be released by sheetali pranayama with head in matsyasana position.

Today I've learned that when I failed to release tension on my body, I had found out that my part that close to sahasrara in (presumably gray matter area) brain is tensed up. When I just relaxed and didn't obsessively release tension on my body, the part that got tension was relaxed.

I've also found out that I've got tension on area orund ears. Coincidentally the somatic nervous system in the brain was close to my left ear, and when I relaxed my left ear somehow the part close to where somatic nervous system located were relaxed too.

Today I've observed that tension that causes yawning and sneezing can be alleviated by assuming bhujangasana position, tilt head all the way up till it touch the neck, open up mouth till the back of the throat relaxed.

Today I've observed I can relax a muscle that is responsible for pulling the tongue out of mouth by open up the mouth and tilt the head until I feel the muscle relaxed.

Today I've observed that I can relax my testicles by assuming marjari asana and lean my waist forward until I can relax my testicles. I can also relax my genital by performing squat and rest my buttock which is important for brahmacharya. I can relax my back of the neck which might be responsible for something that control my body that resembles another person by lie down on the belly and relax the head on a thing tilted down. I adjust the thing until the back of the neck relaxed as there is brainstem behind the back of the neck.

Today when the bottom area of my chin was massaged, my mouth was speaking Indonesian thing like "aku ga mau makan, aku ga mau minum, aku ga bisa apa-apa".

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