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My thinking room is my car. If I need some time to think, I'll drive somewhere an hour or so away. On the open road watching the horizon and sky the whole way is good as sitting outside, while driving avoids the temptation to hop on a computer or watch TV or do anything else distracting.

How about a walk?

From Nietzsche's Ecce Homo:

"So wenig als möglich sitzen; keinem Gedanken Glauben schenken, der nicht im Freien geboren ist und bei freier Bewegung, in dem nicht auch die Muskeln ein Fest feiern."

"Remain seated as little as possible; trust no thought that is not born in the open, to the accompaniment of free bodily motion-nor one in which your very muscles do not celebrate a feast."

I find two-wheeled conveyances more conducive to sudden insight than either ambulatory or four-wheeled methods of locomotion. My guess is that the greater portion of conscious attention required enables more subconscious creativity.

Thank you for this idea - I suspect it will come in handy in the future.

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