> I think GraphQL will change the world. There will be a future where you can query any system in the world using GraphQL. I'm building this future.
This is just extremely embarrassing to say. 1990s John Perry Barlow esque fantasy.
It will do no such thing and nothing ever will.
GraphQL completely unfit for purpose for any purpose. It's not even a Query Language. It's as much a query language as JSON. You have to build almost everything yourself. At least REST uses the standard HTTP status codes for stuff, in GraphQL you have to roll your own for EVERYTHING. And thus EVERY COMPANY WILL DO IT DIFFERENTLY even more than REST Apis are different because there is no expectation to conform to anything. Most resolver libraries are also completely naive.
It's like facebook was just intentionally trolling.
Yeah I immediately stopped reading there too. GraphQL does nothing new. I think it’s useful, and would rather see it used that some in-house alternative, but it’s not revolutionary lol
> GraphQL completely unfit for purpose for any purpose. It's not even a Query Language. It's as much a query language as JSON. You have to build almost everything yourself.
Here's an idea for pet project: an interface for NoSQL databases where the input is a jq filter command and the output is JSON.
This is just extremely embarrassing to say. 1990s John Perry Barlow esque fantasy.
It will do no such thing and nothing ever will.
GraphQL completely unfit for purpose for any purpose. It's not even a Query Language. It's as much a query language as JSON. You have to build almost everything yourself. At least REST uses the standard HTTP status codes for stuff, in GraphQL you have to roll your own for EVERYTHING. And thus EVERY COMPANY WILL DO IT DIFFERENTLY even more than REST Apis are different because there is no expectation to conform to anything. Most resolver libraries are also completely naive.
It's like facebook was just intentionally trolling.