Edit: instead of hitting the downvote perhaps someone could have done a little explanation, or pointed me in the right direction. The wiki page corrects my misapprehension, which is more than anyone else has done here, to wit
Ancient stoics are often misunderstood because the terms they used pertained to different concepts than today. The word "stoic" has since come to mean "unemotional"
> The word "stoic" has since come to mean "unemotional"
Only in colloqial use, and mostly among people who don't bother to look up words they don't know.
The (Oxford) Dictionary still says: "enduring pain and hardship without showing one's feelings or complaining."
When people infer meaning only by context(i.e. learning words only by how other people use it) it is easy to miss part of the original meaning. "Hardship" in this case.
It is a common occurance in language, and at some point the dictionary has to change accordingly. But if it's a word that only exists to convey a more specific meaning than another word ("unemotional"), it does not suddenly lose that meaning just because people are uninformed about its proper definition.
Which is to say, the terms the ancient stoics used do not pertain to different concepts today. If so, we would lack the necessary word to describe that philosophy and would need to invent a new one.
Did you mean to ask if they are a contradiction in terms?
I'm not an expert, but would say that they are not. As far as I can tell the modern word 'stoic' does not give a good idea of what Stoicism is about.
In regards to feelings, I believe the idea behind Stoicism is happiness can be found as a result of not letting ourselves suffer from 'unreasonable' thoughts.
To quote wikipedia: "... the Stoics held that unhappiness and evil are the results of human ignorance of the reason in nature. If someone is unkind, it is because they are unaware of their own universal reason, which leads to the conclusion of unkindness. The solution to evil and unhappiness then is the practice of Stoic philosophy: to examine one's own judgments and behavior and determine where they diverge from the universal reason of nature."
Just a thought, the downvotes may be because your comment read like you wanted someone to read you the first google search result. ;) I could be way off though.
Edit: instead of hitting the downvote perhaps someone could have done a little explanation, or pointed me in the right direction. The wiki page corrects my misapprehension, which is more than anyone else has done here, to wit
Ancient stoics are often misunderstood because the terms they used pertained to different concepts than today. The word "stoic" has since come to mean "unemotional"