Getting feedback from customers is crucial but it seems really difficult to get people to answer a survey or get on a call.
I mainly use email to ask for feedback and the response rates are terrible, 2-3%.
Are there any effective ways of getting feedback from customers? Tools or templates?
* If you're pre-product/market fit, just reach out to users via email, in-product messaging etc. You can incentivize them with Amazon gift cards as well. At this stage nobody actually needs your product so you'll have to do it by hook or by crook.
* If you're post-product/market fit then people actually _need_ your business. Once you make it clear that you're going to action on their feedback they're highly incentivized to help you out – so use the same strategies as above but make it clear what you'll use the feedback for.
* Set up automated surveys, especially ones that are unobtrusive in order to not create a shitty user experience – this allows you to baseline your product's effectiveness which is the first step towards continuous iteration. Eg last quarter we were at 3.3/5 satisfaction, let's get to 4.0/5 this quarter. These surveys are also a great way to find customers to interview.
* FullStory and Hotjar both allow you to view user sessions, highly recommend them as well.
The most important point: if you're an enterprise business, I highly recommend identifying the "best" customers that you have, building relationships with them, and favoring their guidance over others'. Once you hit scale all of your customers will want to give you feedback, but only some of them will have the wisdom/intelligence/creativity/whatever to have a great sense for what _you_ should build for _your_ business to succeed. When you find these customers, get them onto a customer advisory board / meet with them a lot as they will help you in the art of pulling a great product out of your market.