I've been in tech for like 20 years. I've started a couple of companies, I've worked for way more. And... I'm done. I mean completely burned out, hating on the industry, and really just wondering what I can do with my life.
I'm not with the mock-woke companies that lie to themselves. I'm done with the frat-boy companies. I'm done with people changing the world by making XYZ obsolete, or disrupting ABC. I'm done with companies pretending to do good or well, while in reality just being rent-seeking behemoths. I'm sick of watching our brightest pollute the world with ad tech. I'm just done.
Does anyone else feel this? Did you get out? What do you do now, and how do you reconcile the sheer difference in dollars?
The world needs less software and less technology, not more. The further down this rabbit hole we go the worse everything gets. Physical health, mental health, social health and the broader links that bind society together all suffer.
It's all noise and its supposed benefits are, for the most part, an illusion.
There's definitely a role for tech to play in our lives, but a limited, balanced role. We're living in a world saturated with it, overdosing daily.
Give it all up, move on, and in time you will recover. Even if it takes years.
Good luck.
(It's unlikely that I will return to read any replies to this comment.)