But it's also a lazy cop-out. Why investigate alternative theories when climate change is an obvious, easy one?
It's like this board I worked on that only had 128 MB RAM. We were very tight on memory. Anytime an unexplained issue came up, low RAM was blamed by default even if it turned out later not to be the root cause.
Every single one of your complaints, except perhaps the last one, are referring to a changing climate.
Do you not see the logical connection? How if global homeostasis system that regulates temperatures and weather across the entire globe suddenly destabilizes, you start to see changes in things like local temperature, weather etc?
How is that unreasonable? What kind of cause are you looking for exactly? That it's done by aliens?
We have been investigating alternative theories at least since 1980. It turns out that all signs point to human-made climate change and the predictions get more dire the more we understand about it.
I mean the argument is not well thought even as presented. Scientists go through great lengths to explain climate phenomena due to other factors, el nino being one that most people are aware of.
People don't deal well with complications or nuance. So everything communicated broadly has to be quick, catchy and fit in a single descriptive phrase.
Scientists have published hundreds of thousands of pages of specific RCA for specific things.