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Family members can leave their medications and food on their door step and walk away. People can get groceries delivered. Nursing homes have extensive precautions.

Cuomo said his ultra lockdowns would be justified “if they saved even one life” (lol!). Maybe we’ve just become a little too uncomfortable with our own mortality. Life is a bitch and then you die. Get over it. Almost all the deaths are in the extremely old, a massive percent already in hospice. This virus is small time stuff, mostly taking out the already dying. But between TDS and hysterical media coverage in general, so many young and healthy people are TERRIFIED. It’s a disgrace.

> Maybe we’ve just become a little too uncomfortable with our own mortality.

Maybe we’ve just become a little too uncomfortable with being inconvenienced.

> Life is a bitch and then you die. Get over it.

And yet here you are complaining about not being able to throw a party. Maybe you ought to take your own advice to heart here.

It’s not inconvenience. Millions of people’s lives are on hold. This is awful for our happiness, our culture, our productivity. Children are kept home behind a computer screen, or even worse, sent to schools that have become more controlled and joyless than prisons, screamed at for playing with their friends. This is evil.

I really hope this generation is never asked for actual sacrifice. People who lost their jobs are the ones who have it really bad right now. For everyone else, it's an inconvenience. Using words like 'evil' and 'joyless prisons' shows a complete lack of perspective.

> This is awful for our happiness, our culture, our productivity.

Maybe, but I don’t think I can respond better than what someone already said: "Life is a bitch and then you die. Get over it."

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