Not sure :) but I also get a feeling of uneasiness, particularly after reading the site. There's a sense of commodification of our personal lives. Like a Hallmark card, except the company also gets a copy of the private section.
That said, I'm sure that's unfair - I could see myself working in the team and feeling well about providing this service. And it does sound appealing to get a recorded memory of a loved one. Plus I'm also the kind of guy who feels uneasiness at uploading photos to the cloud, and there aren't very many of us.
Hey there, this is a really interesting sentiment—thanks for sharing your misgivings. I'm George, the cofounder who did our first ~100 interviews. Would love to understand more about what makes you queasy so that we can better address those concerns for our customers.
One thing I'll mention is that all of our interviews are, of course, voluntary. I always begin by telling my guests that if I ask them a question that makes them feel uncomfortable for any reason, I want them to let me know and we can move on. Personally, my experience has been that the people I speak with feel valued when a loved one asks them to tell their stories, and pretty much every person I've spoken with has seemed to enjoy the experience.