> I think the idea is that IndexedDB acts as a more lower level store that you can build higher level abstractions over, for example PouchDB.
AFAIK, the problem was that vendors couldn't agree on which version of SQL/Sqlite they would have to support and nobody wanted to write a SQL spec. MS wanted to use SQL Compact, but it's mainly Mozilla's fault if the spec was dropped. The same Mozilla that dragged its feet for years when it comes to implementing some aspects of web components...
But it was a terrible decision IMHO because indexedDB doesn't do what a relational database does and it considerably hurt the development of complex mobile web apps, and now Safari on IOS AFAIK removed support for WebSQL. WebSQL was a fantastic tool for web apps that could be entirely cached on a mobile device (SQL can do a lot).
There is no realistic replacement. Even using Sqlite compiled to WASM has a lot of issues (mainly performances and data persistence).
To this day I don't know a single efficient and performance RDBMS equivalent to Sqlite built on top of IndexedDB. Mozilla certainly didn't build one.