I am a only Linux users and I want to challenge this myth of Proton just working. To be honest I am disappointed that people are misleading others, the Proton DB website will give Platinum badge to games that don't just work
See Fallout NW https://www.protondb.com/app/22380
it is Platinum but check the comments for the issues reported and workarounds that might work (I had to give up for now) , For the Gold badge see example https://www.protondb.com/app/719040 , you need custom proton versions and customization.
Can we please be honest and say that with some or a lot of work we can get many games running in Linux but is expected of you to know your way around Wine tech to configure and fix stuff.
Similar complaint about Arch/wayland/CoolShit2000 works great for me but the full truth is hidden that it kinda works if you use this DE, and this Video card, and not use that feature and you read the wiki before you do anything.
Any other Linux users that agrees with me and is tired of the misleading "it works perfect now"
> "Any other Linux users that agrees with me and is tired of the misleading 'it works perfect now'"
So, I never said Proton was perfect or that it works with every game. I also mentioned Proton as only one of several technologies for playing previously Windows-only titles on Linux.
I get where you're coming from, and I have had my own frustrations with Proton in the past. With that said, even some native Linux ports have been problematic (Rust, 7 Days to Die, etc.) so it's not just Proton itself with the issues. Overall though, my experience has been overwhelmingly positive lately, and certainly far better than it was ten years ago.
I agree that wine,DXVK did a lot of progress and I can say that is an impressive technology. The issue is that the number of games that just work is small not large as it was implied. Some popular games will have some patches you need to compile into wine or find a pre-build version with those and other less popular games don't work or worse stop working half way through(happened for me with Elex),
I would say if you want to play games on Linux that are not official you will need to be prepared for some reading and trial and error, do you disagree ?
I will agree Proton isn't perfect, but I will also agree that outside of pro-Gamer needs, it is a platforms in and of itself that has a very good selection that I certainly can live with, and certainly seems much more appealing than e.g. gaming on MacOS.
I didn't have to configure a single thing to get excellent and bug-free performance on games like Witcher III and GTA V, and a host of others too.
IT is true that we can enjoy mroe games on Linux then Mac users that upgraded to latest OSX.
It is also true that some games are supported by Valve and they should just work.
But there are more games that don't "just work" then games that do. I would prefer to the community would be more honest about it, like if you want to convince someone to try Linux and you show him that his preferred game is "Platinum" or "Gold" but the reality is different then the Linux community will become even more of a joke.
Can we please be honest and say that with some or a lot of work we can get many games running in Linux but is expected of you to know your way around Wine tech to configure and fix stuff.
Similar complaint about Arch/wayland/CoolShit2000 works great for me but the full truth is hidden that it kinda works if you use this DE, and this Video card, and not use that feature and you read the wiki before you do anything.
Any other Linux users that agrees with me and is tired of the misleading "it works perfect now"