No American on that list got indicted of anything related to "Russiagate", but for unrelated procedural crimes discovered during the investigation. (You know the saying that everyone wittingly or unwittingly commits three crimes a day?) Several Russian agents were indicted for Russiagate-related things; Putin will turn his goons over to US custody any day now.
> but for unrelated procedural crimes discovered during the investigation
The "unrelated" is completely false, which invalidates your entire argument.
Name an American indicted for unrelated crimes and maybe I can fill in the connection. It's mostly covered in the wiki under each of their paragraphs though.
>It's mostly covered in the wiki under each of their paragraphs though.
You're hoping that people won't bother to read said Wiki, or get confused by the legalese.
Papadopoulos: Indicted for making a false statement to FBI.
Manafort and Gates: Indicted for not registering as foreign agents of Ukraine (which, you might have noticed, is sort of an enemy of Russia right now)
Flynn: Indicted for making a false statement to FBI. (Forced by lack of legal fees into pleading guilty, which later caused problems when the government tried to drop charges.)
Pinedo (Who? Exactly): Indicted for identity fraud.
van der Zwaan: Indicted for making false statements (and not an American, anyway).
Cohen: Indicted for making false statements.
Stone: Indicted for making false statements and witness tampering.
Then we have people like Carter Page, whose name was raked over the coals for years because a FBI lawyer intentionally altered evidence ( showing that far from being a Russian asset, Page had for years briefed the CIA every time he met with suspicious Russians. (Got to love how the Times describes said altering evidence as a "serious error".) You want an actual Russiagate-related indictment and guilty plea? Kevin Clinesmith, said FBI lawyer, is your man.
Papadopoulos: For lying about this: "In subsequent days Papadopoulos worked with Mifsud and Polonskaya to arrange contacts between the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Trump campaign. In late April 2016, Papadopoulos emailed an unnamed Trump campaign "Senior Policy Advisor," stating "The Russian government has an open invitation by Putin for Mr. Trump to meet him when he is ready." At about the same time, Mifsud told Papadopoulos that the Russian government had "dirt" on Hillary Clinton in the form of "thousands of emails," which Papadopoulos then shared with Alexander Downer in a London bar days later."
Manafort and Gates: If your defense is that since Ukraine is an enemy of Russia, and therefore there can't be any pro-Russian agents there, I have bridges to sell you.
Flynn: Yes, he lied about meeting Russian ambassador Sergei Kislyak about setting up encrypted channels to Russia.
Cohen: Lying about business developments in Russia (money is always a nice motivator in crime).
Stone: Had contact with Russian state hackers about the DNC hacks.