The long term plan was to abandon and move to Wayland.
Of course Wayland is still not there, but is mature and stable enough to keep users happy for the time being, until the whole ecosystem catches up with Wayland.
As a matter of fact, abandoning (except for security patches) would be a good strategy to incentivize the ecosystem not to build on top of it anymore.
Maybe should do what request.js and momen.js did and call it done at some point.
The long term plan was to abandon and move to Wayland.
Of course Wayland is still not there, but is mature and stable enough to keep users happy for the time being, until the whole ecosystem catches up with Wayland.
As a matter of fact, abandoning (except for security patches) would be a good strategy to incentivize the ecosystem not to build on top of it anymore.
Maybe should do what request.js and momen.js did and call it done at some point.