EULAs in boxed software were always strange to begin with. You could not return opened software so if you purchased something like CS 2 on disc and didn’t like the terms there was nothing you could do. The agreements were not always enforceable unless the terms were stated on the box or a refund option was provided (which rarely was for fear of piracy).
I just realized that I'm apparently scarred for life by this. I still regularly open electronics boxes from the bottom/back because of those silly little "no returns if broken" seals that seemingly were only on the top of the box.
Just did it couple days ago for a sim for my LTE hotspot.
I guess on the plus side, my returns tend to go smoothly as the boxes tend to look unopened.
On the contrary, I remember reading EULAs that clearly stated that if the user didn't agree with the EULA they could return it to the store where it was purchased for a full refund - regardless of the condition of the box. I think that was in Microsoft's terms mostly?