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8 Mathematic Tattoos You Need to See (studenthacks.org)
16 points by jmorin007 on July 17, 2008 | hide | past | favorite | 15 comments

I feel worst for number 1. The quadratic equation? If you're going to have a mathematical tattoo, at least make it some kind of advanced mathematics, not eighth-grade stuff.

Many years from now, these courageous young men will look back fondly on this time and wonder why they are still single.

I've been thinking of tattooing "print 'hello world'" on my arm, but after seeing this i think i would really seem stupid. What if i tattoo "(1..100).inject(&:+) sucks" . Will i seem mean?

PS I'm a python guy, so (1..100).inject(&:+) seems very ugly.

Pay a goon to wear a ring that has pi or lambda engraved/embossed and punch your face until you pass out.

He might do it pro bono.

Someone needs to get Fermat's Last Theorem as a tattoo.

"I have the most elegant proof of this, but my epidermis is too small to contain it."

The ZFC tattoo would be handy in an exam on set theory.

Would it be cheating?

They'd break your arm before they'd let you sit the exam. (so the arm would be in a cast)

Putting up some unsolved problems would have been cool(not) - like the Riemann Hypothesis.

Have anyone done this for website URLs?

I got a big one of tattoo.me today on my face.

I need to get the continuity equation ^^

Right. Because a tattoo becomes less idiotic of you use equations instead of skulls or random chinese characters.

Yesterday I saw a guy with the Chinese word for lesbian tattooed on the back of his neck. I really wanted to ask him what that was all about.

Eh, well, it becomes funnier at least... for other people. :D

Math Lip Tattoo

I wonder if the guy knows he's walking round with the A as from the set square of Freemasons.

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