Another problem is that the needed investments are about similar, but the expected market is much smaller. For to language barriers we are really talking over a dozen separate markets. All these languages are killing the EU as a market. I'm German, but would always start a company in the US and not even consider starting in the EU for this reason even if everything else was equal.
> The EU just needs an investor climate similar to the US.
What leads you to believe that europe's problem is the investor climate?
I mean, this policy is clearly devoted to ensure that europe is able to control and manage critical cloud infrastructure, instead of handing everything in a silver platter to the US or, even worse, China. What leads you cto believe that a change in europe's investor climate would have an impact on this?
you mean channel military funds into civilian companies for nefarious purposes. google received CIA funding. easy tracking for the NSA n CIA. the fairchilds or other chip companies all military money. so yeah if the EU becomes war hungry definitely they will catch up with the US. but remember world wars have started in Europe.
The only problem is that investors like the idea of cornering markets, which, due to regulation, is harder in the EU.