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Odd, here's the commit history for that file: https://github.com/reactos/reactos/commits/master/ntoskrnl/k...

What I'm wondering is if you just chanced upon a submission that wasn't actually accepted into the tree at any point?

Perhaps because it literally says:

>/* This part was copied from Windows source /

> / We should obfuscate this somehow? */

And looks sketchy as hell?

I'm not part of their project (just a fan) and my knowledge of git/github is shaky at best -but that's the way it looks from where I'm standing.

Also, I'm not seeing the original windows source code itself; only a comment.


We've banned this account - it's not ok to mimic someone else's username like that, but it's especially not ok to add sockpuppet accounts to a thread you're already in. Doing that will get your main account banned as well, so please don't do that again.

A link to a random blob means nothing if it's not actually in the tree. Here's how that link was faked:

- https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=10005577

- https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=21025378

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