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Knowledge being lost and reinvented is a bug, not a feature. Some lessons have been paid-for in blood (like the Therac 25, if you're looking at software development). There is value in understanding how things work and what knowledge came from specific lessons, but starting over again simply invites making the same mistakes all over. I wish we could aspire to be better than that.

>Knowledge being lost and reinvented is a bug

No because most knowledge is tacit in nature. Things needs to be practised to be really understood. We're not living in the matrix where you can upload knowledge into your brain, you need to actually practise something to understand how it works.

Not to mention that all knowledge is contextual and dependent on its environment. Doing the same things over again in a different environment may yield different results, old failures, through tiny changes may turn out to actually work now. That's what makes constant experimentation and repetition necessary to rebuilt robust systems.

that's why markets are more effective than central planning, and why evolution is the most robust mechanism on earth. Having twenty companies build the same product is more wasteful than having one committee do it, but only competition, incremental change, and reinvention really are able to explore the entire space.

Isn't this kind of like wishing that we could apply the lessons of the fallen Roman Republic to present-day America?

It has the same problems: the historical context is imperfect and very tedious to understand (for those who even try). Reinventing the wheel is always easier, cognitively (perhaps while being vaguely cognizant of how there was a Roman Republic that fell to dictatorship that then fractured into hundreds of apocalyptic Christian fiefdoms and how there was an incident with this thing called Therac-25 [and maybe crystallizing that cognizance in proper government standards for medical software]).

Also, since the bottleneck is brain bandwidth, it's not helpful that old code is written in old languages which were formulated in a time where the most salient bottleneck was memory/processing speed.

I wish we'd just try to do better. It won't be perfect, and it'll probably never even be good. The worldview that espouses an inevitable loss of the products of human toil fills me with crushing sadness. Why bother doing anything then?

Because we live in the present and not the future?

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