> The largest meta-analysis ever conducted of studies published between 1966 and 2013 showed that 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels <75 nmol/L may be too low for safety and associated with higher all-cause mortality, demolishing the previously presumed U-shape curve of mortality associated with vitamin D levels.
I am very suspicious of scientific papers who make basic mistakes in the abstract, like citing a lower limit to argue against existence of a U-shaped curve, for that it would be more interesting to know "safe" (in the context of this paper) upper limits. I am also very suspicious of papers that use the word "demolish" in the abstract and aren't about civil engineering.
I am very suspicious of scientific papers who make basic mistakes in the abstract, like citing a lower limit to argue against existence of a U-shaped curve, for that it would be more interesting to know "safe" (in the context of this paper) upper limits. I am also very suspicious of papers that use the word "demolish" in the abstract and aren't about civil engineering.