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I am not dismissing Azure. Outside of AWS or GCP, the only IaaS platform I can think of using is Azure. MS certainly has the competency to run a good competitor alongside AWS and GCP in the long run.

I was just pointing out how easily we can misjudge things based on our echo chambers.

> MS has very deep enterprise relationships, way more so than Amazon or Google and in the long run, that may be the advantage.

I think this is something even their competitors realize. That's why the current and previous heads of Google Cloud were from enterprise software companies, Oracle and VmWare.

It doesn't really matter, tbh. Culture eats strategy for breakfast, and Google have a terrible partnership culture. FB are a little better, and I assume Amazon must be OK, but MS have a sales force that can actually sell, supported by an organisation that commits to products for the long term.

MS will do very well with Azure, but note that their cloud revenue is also Office 365 revenue (which I suspect is a lot higher).

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