Agreed. For me PaaS seems nice in theory until I start adding up the costs. For something that would generate revenue I'd go PaaS instead of playing sysadmin. But for my hobbies it's not worth it. I want a tiny postgres db, a tiny redis instance, a tiny bit of object storage...basically a tiny bit of everything. Maybe I'm not a good customer, I can accept that. I'm just happy it's possible to pay $5 and get a VM with 512 MB ram and 25GB of SSD storage, that would have been unthinkable $15 years ago. I have to manage everything on my own but I can run a few apps on that one VM.
To steal an old saying, VMs are cheap if your time is worth nothing. My time on weekends is worth nothing. Shrug.
To steal an old saying, VMs are cheap if your time is worth nothing. My time on weekends is worth nothing. Shrug.