Its healthy to be skeptical until an extraordinary is proven.
Meanwhile can I interest you in investing in my hydrogen truck company called TeslaNikola? Its carbon free, costs close to nothing to run. We have a working prototype capable of going downhill.
Nope, I don't think so; battery breakthroughs are reported (probably) several times a month, but what eventually becomes available to the consumer is more evolutionary than revolutionary; we've NEVER experienced a 2x jump in battery capacity for example, it's always been incremental.
The author probably doesn't know how we read articles like this. A wild discovery in it self is fun but one doesn't expect to see products (anymore/any-time-soon).
Then towards the end he writes: "The company has moved past its pilot unit and now has a full production unit up and running"
* article leads with "in production" but it sounds like they are still at the design phase. production of prototypes maybe?
* they are doing a lot of "talking" and "partnering" but not so much selling mentioned.
* they are "known for" their similar work in the ultra-capacitor market but the linked page's top comment is "still waiting for a product".
* PR about raising funding and starting soon but not a lot of PR about actual products and results.
Am I being too cynical - does anybody know if they are for real?