Not an answer to your question - but as an aside, why the tone? In the classic HN example, isn't Dropbox just an inferior Rsync?
Eg, if someone wants to clone something and it manages to succeed, they clearly got _something_ right. Either a captive audience, a better UX, a better pricing structure, etc. There's almost always room for ~innovation~ competition, so why poke fun at it?
I suppose if you think it's truly inferior in every way compared to Caprover your tone might make sense - but even then, i've never heard of Caprover, if i was a customer looking for this product (and i may be) i'd probably have defaulted to DigitalOcean for this. If that alone ends up being profitable for them - a Caprover clone with a well known name - why wouldn't they do it?
I see these types of "HN Dropbox" comments on HN so frequently and i just don't get it. There's lots of angles to product viability, and these comments seem to be purposefully ignorant. Not saying you are ignorant, just that the comments seem to try to ignore any logical reason for competition.
Digital ocean also has a lot of love. Maybe it’s the heyday MacBook of cloud providers and developers will try this just because it is a DO thing. And I think the love comes from providing a really good platform for side projects. It’s probably a badass user kind of a thing (see the book called badass).
I had to go to Heroku before to be badass but now I can do that with DO who align more to my way of thinking as a developer.
Well DigitalOcean usually have pretty amazing docs, which was something I found lacking with caprover. DO documentation feels like it was written for humans instead of.. I dunno caprover just feels too technically written. It activates the CBA "I'll find something easier to use" feeling
Or yes, use their one click droplet and be using DO anyway except you manage the server if it breaks. Also auto scaling? That's on you
Caprover is essentially a really nice GUI for docker swarm, Let's encrypt and nginx.