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Sorry, I think I misunderstood what you were saying there. Could you clarify a bit more about what kind of functionality you'd prefer we support in the scenario you described? A large influx of traffic hits your application while you are unavailable to handle it. If you do not have autoscaling enabled, your application performance could suffer, if you do have it enabled your bill could grow out of bounds. We do plan to let you set min and max bounds for autoscaling once it is implemented. Thanks for your help!

We do plan to let you set min and max bounds for autoscaling once it is implemented.

This is exactly the sort of thing I'm talking about, but for money rather than computing resources or bandwidth. I'd like a feature that where the requirement is effectively "Fall back to a serving sorry-I'm-poor.html instead of the app if the total monthly bill has exceeded $xxx". For a side project I'm more interested in not paying an unexpected bill than getting traffic.

For what it's worth, we (Fly.io) have this feature, and announced it as part of our launch post on HN. But literally no one has asked us to enable it on their apps. So we never made it self service.

I think for most companies, it's better to set the expectation that the service costs money, bursts will cost more money, and then forgive outlier charges once or twice. It's tremendously difficult to compete against the AWS's of the world, putting work into features specifically to minimize how much people spend seems like a good way to fail a company.

Very interesting that this feature is often demanded in tones of righteous outrage on posts about autoscaling cloud services, yet when actually implemented, nobody has actually set it up.

> So we never made it self service.

I may not underestand parent, but it sounds like its not equivalent to a button next to the auto-scale but more like an email and pre-requisite knowledge that it exists?

Yes we advertised it as a feature to all new signups, with a link to request limits. It's not equivalent to a button, the dirty secret is that when people requested it, I planned to put a notification in my calendar to go look at their usage the last day of the month and adjust their bill accordingly. :)

We were concerned about spending time on marginal features that didn't actually matter much to people, so we "launched" it without building it to see if anyone cared.

I'm not one of your customers but when I have looked at pay-as-you-go services or autoscaling services before I basically don't even consider any that don't allow me to cap the costs per month or similar.

So you could perhaps also consider that if it is only marketed when you sign up and not a clearly defined feature some people (like me) will just never sign up at all.

Personally, I don't think that capping costs explicitly is a good idea, because it doesn't carry enough information about what to do when you hit that cap.

Not even considering something like AWS with a bazillion types of services, say you have a cloud hosting service that runs nothing but auto-scaling clusters of servers billed by the hour. So I set a cap on costs but not cap on scaling up and turn it loose. It gets a hug of death from something, scales to the sky, does serve all of that traffic fine, but burns through my monthly cost cap in an hour. Oops, now it's down entirely for the next 3 weeks or whatever. Does anybody in the world who's willing to pay for hosting something actually want that? I have to doubt it.

On the other hand, capping the scaling size by number of hosts sounds pretty reasonable. Set a cap at say 2x your normal peak traffic. You get a hug from something, it hits the cap. Most of your extra traffic gets errors or really slow responses, but your service stays up, even when the traffic dies down. Your monthly costs are a bit higher than usual, but manageable. That sounds like a much better result to me.

That doesn't even get into stuff like, oh hey we dropped your DB server because you hit your cost cap early and it costs money to keep it running and to create a new backup too, hope you don't miss that data too much!

That's actually why we made a big deal out of it in our launch post. We thought maybe it would attract underserved customers. I am surprised that it had no effect.

My guess is that people who are interested in controlling costs are also not getting enough value from auto scaling services. So we're already not attracting those folks, and offering a cost control feature isn't enough to get us over the hump.

Thanks for replying this deep into the thread, I found the whole thing interesting and informative.

I’m also not interested in this feature, but do want to say that’s a lovely example of implementing the bare minimum to gauge the value of a feature.

That was a great MVP plan for that feature! Figuring out what not to build is a great way to save development time.

In addition to there being no self-service, the kinds of people who want this aren't going to be using Fly.io in the first place. Look at the prices. DigitalOcean's $5 droplet would cost over $50/month on Fly.

That's not true. Our CPU VMs are similar to DO's CPU optimized droplets. The cheaper droplets are all shared CPU.

No, what I wrote is true based on the info listed on fly.io. Either those prices and specs are incorrect, or your comment is narrowly focusing on the CPU axis (which still doesn't make for a good comparison, considering the options Fly gives are $2.67 or $8) and calling it sufficient. DigitalOcean's cheapest droplet comes with 1GB RAM, whereas to match that with Fly, that's $35 minimum. You don't get to ignore that. Add in the costs listed under Fly's "Network prices" and we're nowhere close to $5.

If for some convoluted reason this is wrong, then you guys really need to reconsider how you're presenting your prices and to lay out exactly what those convoluted reasons are, because Fly's pricing page certainly tells people that trying to match DigitalOcean's $5 plan is going to cost 10x on Fly.

I'd argue that many users that end up with surprise bills are either inexperienced or are deploying something small without giving it much thought.

In those cases, the users will either not know or not think about such expense limits.

The solution is to set relatively strict limits by default and even occasionally warn users about unused/underutilized resources.

But as you said: such features are bad for the bottom line .

And I can appreciate the enormous difficulty of competing with the big 3.

I think such features create really negative surprises too. People expect their app or service to keep working at almost any scale. Disabling an app that hits a threshold sounds terrible, because most peoples' apps _benefit_ from more (legit) activity and they are delighted to pay the extra fees if things just continue to work.

For people who are inexperienced or don't give it much thought, just waiving their overage fees creates a really nice experience. We've had multiple instances of people asking why their bill is so high and being relieved/excited when we explained it and made it go away. People love when we're responsive to problems.

> putting work into features specifically to minimize how much people spend seems like a good way to fail a company.

What a customer-hostile thing to say, never working with you!

What if I told you that if you're actually trying to build a relationship with your customers and have them want to do business with you, it's best to focus on solving their problems as opposed to taking as much of their money as possible.

> What a customer-hostile thing to say, never working with you!

The point is that I'd rather just wave surprise fees than build a bunch of infrastructure to prevent them. From what we can tell, customers almost never have surprise bursts of traffic, but it's something they think about a lot. It's pretty easy to just say "you're not responsible for expenses associated with abuse or attacks or other nasty surprises".

The purpose of a metered service is to give people access to tools and features that would be prohibitively expensive otherwise. The trade off is that the expense also grows incrementally.

Sounds like we agree on what you're doing, we just disagree about whether it's a good approach.

I don't want to need to depend on you being in a good mood to waive fees (or more likely, to hope you're not so low on runway that support gets incentives not to waive them until after your next round closes). I don't want to have to guess whether your terms mean what they say, or whether that giant potential bill might magically go away if I incur it and can convince you it was, quote, nasty.

I do want to deal with people who have thought hard about how to build their product in a way that I can depend on and reason confidently about, and who treat me like the seasoned adult I am.

I think you're not a good customer for us? I'm not sure that makes us hostile, or you wrong, but I'm pretty comfy with how we treat our customers (and they seem cool with it too).

> It's tremendously difficult to compete against the AWS's of the world, putting work into features specifically to minimize how much people spend seems like a good way to fail a company.

It's also something that people actively dislike about AWS, and thus a good selling point. Albeit it's probably mostly smaller projects that care about this.

It sounds like a good selling point but I don't think it works out that way. People dislike a lot of things about AWS and it's still something that almost every technical business spends money on.

If there's any confusion about this, look at nearlyfreespeech.net.

You deposit funds (let's say $20) into your account, and as your site consumes resources, it draws from your balance. So $20 is $20. If you set up a crummy low-traffic blog and that $20 lasts four months, then fine. If it lasts two weeks and then there's a surge in traffic, or the server hits some bug that causes it to spiral out of control, then your site gets killed when your balance hits $0. You can set up alerts, but there's a hard limit for how much you can be charged—it's whatever funds you deposited into your account. (Really, that's not even the right way to put it, because you're charged at the moment you deposit them.)

This isn't acceptable for everybody—many businesses would prefer to stay up and be billed after-the-fact. But that use cases is already well-served by the industry. (Overserved, really.) The market segment where the alternative situation is the best fit (pretty much every hobbiest who isn't bringing in a single cent off their side project) is extremely underserved. NFSN is the only provider I know of that even offers this.

I think he is simply requesting threshold limits. So for example you could set a threshold of 2 - 5 nodes/droplets. This way you will always have at least 2 nodes running, even with zero traffic, because that is the minimum you requested. Likewise the upper bound limit of 5 nodes/droplets would limit the maximum nodes that the service would generate.

So it autoscales up until it hits the maximum threshold and stops. Yes, if the app needed more resources than this, due to a spike in traffic, than performance would obviously suffer. But depending on the budget and needs of the project this might be the preferred outcome over incurring unexpectedly high server costs that you are not prepared to handle.

Way to many folks end up with surprise bills. I'd like the option to say - over x dollars cost, shut the damn thing off to the public. Back in the /. days, got a minor project hit by the mass internets and hit with bandwidth charges by the time I noticed.

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