Pelican is more popular than Nikola, judging from their Github repos. As for Jekyll and Hugo, I'd surmise that Python is too mainstream for the hip crowd. Plus, Jekyll is the "default" generator for Github pages.
Hugo is written in Go, hippy enough for me. It was my first experience with static websites, and I was surprised how smooth it is: easy installation, easy testing, easy deployment.
I was disappointed how Gitbook, after going the SaaS way with v3, has broken compatibility with their own v2 cli. If you export markdown files from, gitbook-cli v2 is unable to import them and turn into static HTML files because Gitbook now uses custom liquid tags which are not open-source.
m000 is saying that the usage of Jekyll (Ruby) and Hugo (Go) are driven in part by hip trend-following programmers not wanting to use Python, not that Jekyll and Hugo are written in Python.