Your posts seems to highlight why I'm wary about these extractable site generator things - it appears that people much smarter than I use them out of the box but don't really peer into that box, so end up with queries like yours.
Whereas dumb people like me hand code a site and keep small chunks of code or 'boot strap' type folders where we can re-use old assets quickly and with the knowledge of exactly what's in them.
I don't use Hugo, etc, but it seems odd to me that it's not abundantly clear how to nix CDN and Google asset references from the site generation code.
> I don't use Hugo, etc, but it seems odd to me that it's not abundantly clear how to nix CDN and Google asset references from the site generation code.
All static site generators do is take a bunch of inputs (markdown files, templates, config, images, etc.) and process them to output a directory of HTML and assets. It's usually trivial to do a search on the input side and identify the source of the problem code. Commenting it out and reprocessing results in it being removed.
You only run into complications when there is some odd dependency between the static site generator and the inputs. Generally, it'll delegate everything to the templates it uses (good separation of concerns), but sometimes there is a weird config option, or convention you are supposed to use.
Static site generators are really useful for ongoing projects with new pages being added all the time. I hand-roll my discrete "here's a page for a thing" sites, and use SSGs for things like blogs, classes, etc., stuff where I might just decide to add a page when I'm sitting on a train, and would like to just be able to type it out in markdown on my phone, push a commit, and have it appear.
No disrespect intended, I've just never enjoyed all the tinkering that comes with managing this stuff myself. I just want to write & publish my posts somehow; used to use medium but then they added all these popups and annoying things, so I switched to Hugo. Now, it might be a good stepping stone to eventually just setting this all up myself, since I've been frustrated with the limitations of markdown & hugo shortcodes and occasionally just want to write things in HTML (yes I know you can write HTML in hugo markdown pages). But I never would get to that stage straight from hosted blogs like medium, so it is good that static site generators exist I think.
No disrespect assumed! :) tbh, when I see people using things like Hugo, i tend to assume they're on a part of the web dev spectrum that is equal-to or further-along than mine. This my failing. I made assumptions about your situation. I just tend to assume that people default to things like Wordpress when they need to exist in that hinterland between publication and bother.
Perhaps I need to look into these things a bit more!
Whereas dumb people like me hand code a site and keep small chunks of code or 'boot strap' type folders where we can re-use old assets quickly and with the knowledge of exactly what's in them.
I don't use Hugo, etc, but it seems odd to me that it's not abundantly clear how to nix CDN and Google asset references from the site generation code.