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I never upgraded from Mojave and plan not to, I will retire my Mac Mini as an OS X machine sooner or later (once Apple stops updates). Mojave just seems like a giant pain and I have some iTunes Applescripts from ages ago that I don't want to mess with or re-engineer for Music or whatever it's called now. Does Apple even still support Applescript? I don't keep up on Apple any more.

I believe Apple scripts are supported. Haven’t heard anything to the contrary.

That's just the thing though, Apple isn't going out of its way to tell me their plans.

A couple years ago Apple decided to get rid of all my notes I had made in files in the Get Info tab's notes field. They switched the field to "tags" and simply threw away all the notes in all the resource forks, rather than even converting them to tags. About ten thousand notes, destroyed, no notification this would happen, nothing.

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