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SEEKING FREELANCER | Philadelphia & New York | Local & Remote US We are a development shop that focuses on software craftsmanship. Our calling is to help companies create amazing, intuitive web & mobile applications, APIs, products, and services. Pair programming, continuous integration & delivery, kaizen, and TDD/BDD aren't just ideas we pay lip service to, but core practices of our day-to-day work. We love polyglots. We use lots of Ruby, Python, Elixir, and JavaScript (mostly TypeScript, React and React-Native).

Local only:

    • Ruby & Rails
    • Python
    • iOS
    • Elixir & Phoenix
Local & Remote:

    • React Native
    • Android
    • Azure, especially with Kubernetes & Terraform
    • ML, AI, & Data Science
    • Kafka
How to get in touch: https://www.promptworks.com/contracting

Hey, I filled out this form last month and have been following up as well. I'm the co-founder of a technology services company and we're into Computer Vision and NLP Consulting. I'd love to get in touch with someone from your team in order to take this forward if you're still looking for Data Scientists.

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