You basically described circumstances that applied to both women. They both wound up moving North due to the extreme negative pressure. I fail to see your point.
> It is not like Colvin and Parks were first blacks defiant in the bus. But Parks was using Colvins story for months and Colvin joined her group.
You got there them knowing each other, you got there historical context and you got there reasons why Parks was seen as reliable and tough. You also got there how Colwin case influenced WPC and Parks herself. Fun fact: Parks forced Colvin to retell arrest story at each youth meeting.
Even wiki you referenced has Colvin commenting on Parks and vice versa. You think it is possible without them knowing each other? The wiki you posted had Colvin being sexually assaulted by cops, you think it was outlier bad apple cops? Oh, and besides Colvin and Parks there was yet another teenager bus arrest case prior considered, through I forgot the name.
Or picjlk really any other detailed book on topic.
Also Colvin was not pregnant at time of refusing to stand up, that happened slightly later and I did not read about her partner being white. Just him being much older.
> It is not like Colvin and Parks were first blacks defiant in the bus. But Parks was using Colvins story for months and Colvin joined her group.
Citation requested.