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> It did no come into effect until years after passing (the DOJ keeps quoting that the sites have been breaking the law since 2006, somehow not knowing that the law wasn't enforced until much later).

The effective date is a statutory thing. If "wasn't enforced" is a reference to DOJ policy/behavior, that's irrelevant.

> The poker players association along with representatives who were working to overturn UIGEA, such as Barney Frank, worked tirelessly to continuously postpone enforcement of the act.

In other words, they lobbied but the law as in force.

I agree that it looks like the folks involved are being mistreated. Sadly that's just SOP.

> You have to ask yourself if this is fair

You do know that fair is irrelevant.

> tens of thousands of whom play poker as a full time profession and make a living from it.


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