Yeah, for better or worse, Magit, Ediff, and Smerge solved pretty much all of my problems with Git. Now if only I could convince my co-workers to use Git "correctly" with the help of these tools...
I think that's a place where things like Pijul has a chance to shine. Some people (perhaps rightly) are just not interested in learning the tooling and extra work around Git that makes Git even more powerful. They're relatively happy with following out of the box defaults, even if it doesn't lead to a great experience. Something like Pijul might ship with the better default experience.
Magit is great, but it's 'just' an interface. It makes things easier but it doesn't affect your git work flow. How would you benefit from other people using it?
It's a complete and sensible enough interface that whatever i want to do during normal work, Magit can present it in a very intuitive interface and it's easy to do as the default.
With less complete interfaces, other people have to fall back to the git CLI interface, which is unintuitive enough to discourage fairly routine operations of branch manipulation.