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Rate my app: 3Things - Complete 3 things a day and live your life (heroku.com)
21 points by toniowhola on April 18, 2011 | hide | past | favorite | 11 comments

Congrats on launching. From a non-hacker currently learning rails and with a new found respect for developers, respect.

My thing is I'm afraid to log-on, especially with my twitter account. For example, I would never type the 3rd to-do item into a browser! Heck, if I was to type that 3rd to-do item as an intention in an email I would be proof-reading the recipient list like I have OCD.

Drive to work. Work. Drive home.

  Get to work.  Work efficiently.  Leave work at work.
Optimistic-alized for you =)

I would like to try it, but I have no idea what you are going to post to twitter. Could you explain somewhere exactly what gets posted and when. Also, can I control what is private and public? I get that a totally public to-do list might make people do them better, but I just need to understand exactly how public it is before I type my to-dos into it.

Nicely done. Can you please shed some light on what did you use to make this? It'll be really helpful for a beginner like me.

This is quite good. I love the 3 item limit. Forces you to pick what's important, and get it done.

I currently use TeuxDeux list, but only to track my "One important task" for the day. I rarely need to see anything other than today's tasks, though, so I might switch to this.

Is 'Rails for Comedians' a real thing? I tried to google it.

Will be helpful if it takes Time Zone of user in account. It is already Monday afternoon and your app is asking me things to do for Sunday.

Rowan Simpson of Southgate Labs made an iOS app, Top Three, which does this a few years ago http://itunes.apple.com/nz/app/top-three/id377629136?mt=8...

Let's see if it can make me even a tad more productive..

I can imagine this using some sort of "somethingnew" list (from e.g. www.reddit.com/r/somethingnew) or maybe you can feed it a list of things you always wanted to do but (typically) never got around to... so you give it some tasks, maybe specify a condition (weekends or during the week?) and next thing you know, it tells you to do that task the next time those conditions are met.

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