> building a solution that instrumentation authors can use to manage the propagation of context both synchronous and asychronous
The bigger problem I’ve had - with OpenCensus - is managing the context within my application using async code, where I want to add interior spans and also call libraries which are creating spans themselves.
Do your plans include these scenarios? Am I an “instrumentation author” here?
There is really no way to make anything related to ThreadLocals work with “async” code, and the simplest most reliable solution we have found is to treat the Context as a method parameter. Looking at https://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-java/issues/... I worry that more layers of indirection will be added, not less.
The bigger problem I’ve had - with OpenCensus - is managing the context within my application using async code, where I want to add interior spans and also call libraries which are creating spans themselves.
Do your plans include these scenarios? Am I an “instrumentation author” here?
There is really no way to make anything related to ThreadLocals work with “async” code, and the simplest most reliable solution we have found is to treat the Context as a method parameter. Looking at https://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-java/issues/... I worry that more layers of indirection will be added, not less.