We can't trust these stats because the CDC said itself that 94% of the "covid19" deaths had co-morbidity factors. Keep in mind, not a pre-existing condition, a CO-MORBIDITY.
As people have been reporting - the hospitals have a huge monetary incentive to code a death as COVID19. If someone comes in and dies, the hospital can run a PCR test, get a false positive then get 10's of thousands for the COVID19 death from the government.
My best friend's dad is currently a Doctor and is fighting his hospital after he transferred two patients to a different hospital to try and save their life. One of the patient died, depriving his hospital of the death funds from the government, which the other hospital got.
Even the fact checkers are admitting that the [entire incentive structure is to count as many people with covid19 as possible](https://www.factcheck.org/2020/04/hospital-payments-and-the-...), but then say "there's no evidence" that there is fraud. A laughable proposition. When there is a bag of money for doing corrupt thing X, corrupt thing X always get's done throughout history.
These deaths are therefore the result of mostly fraud and when the real numbers are considered (probably something closer to 15-25% of what's being reported) then this disease is something that lags behind many other diseases currently circulating in the population that the media just ignores.
Diabetes and Asthma are common comorbidities for COVID-19 deaths. Those conditions traditionally have a very small impact on normal life expectancy all other things being equal. I think you are being thrown off by the "morbidity" part of that word. It is another factor that contributed to the person's death. It doesn't mean the person would have died from that condition absent COVID-19.
>These deaths are therefore the result of mostly fraud and when the real numbers are considered (probably something closer to 15-25% of what's being reported) then this disease is something that lags behind many other diseases currently circulating in the population that the media just ignores.
If the COVID-19 death total is inflated, how do you explain the huge rise in excess deaths? Here is one article that talks about comorbidities and excess deaths.[1]
That doesn't actually link to the source and I couldn't find it with a couple Googling attempts. I would be curious to see how they correct for the fact that Type 2 diabetes is often a symptom of poor health as much as a cause of poor health. That is why I included the "all other things being equal" disclaimer. Long term health for people with diabetes is hugely impacted by continued maintenance and therefore there is likely some bias in the data when comparing health rates of diabetes patients to people without diabetes.
As people have been reporting - the hospitals have a huge monetary incentive to code a death as COVID19. If someone comes in and dies, the hospital can run a PCR test, get a false positive then get 10's of thousands for the COVID19 death from the government.
My best friend's dad is currently a Doctor and is fighting his hospital after he transferred two patients to a different hospital to try and save their life. One of the patient died, depriving his hospital of the death funds from the government, which the other hospital got.
Even the fact checkers are admitting that the [entire incentive structure is to count as many people with covid19 as possible](https://www.factcheck.org/2020/04/hospital-payments-and-the-...), but then say "there's no evidence" that there is fraud. A laughable proposition. When there is a bag of money for doing corrupt thing X, corrupt thing X always get's done throughout history.
These deaths are therefore the result of mostly fraud and when the real numbers are considered (probably something closer to 15-25% of what's being reported) then this disease is something that lags behind many other diseases currently circulating in the population that the media just ignores.