There a couple aspects of other than time-taken that I think has a major impact on the ROI ratio. Note taking on a laptop is inherently restrictive in the sense that you are limited by the capability of your tools. So, there's less thought on what to note and how to note it. For example, I will reorganize sections of notes in a way that is more conducive to my though process. That, in and of itself, has added value to understanding and comprehension. I've created an abstracted experience which includes doubling down on the concepts I'm learning and creates more intimacy with the actual notes I'm taking. In addition, memories are stored in extremely complex ways that are dependent on our senses. The tactile experience on the formation of memory shouldn't be ignored. Personally, I take notes by and transfer to latex. This allows me to double down on considering the information and 'revising' my resources.
Exactly. This is where sketchnoting / graphic recording can be extremely beneficial. It's also fun and I'm far more likely to review handwritten notes that contain graphics organized in however manner I wish, versus a chunk of typed out near verbatim top to bottom text.
As you progress in visual note taking you can develop a shorthand, a library of icons you repeatedly use and can sketch out quickly.