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The Art of PNG Glitch (ucnv.github.io)
49 points by pmoriarty on Sept 18, 2020 | hide | past | favorite | 9 comments

I have seen that image of the woman wearing the round hat and looking in to the camera in several image processing articles or tutorials now. Is there a story there? Ie is it a/the standard image people use to demonstrate something in image processing (similar to writing "Hello World" for programming languages, or printing Benchy for 3D printing)?

It’s a photo of Lena.

“Lenna or Lena is the name given to a standard test image widely used in the field of image processing since 1973. It is a picture of the Swedish model Lena Forsén, shot by photographer Dwight Hooker, cropped from the centerfold of the November 1972 issue of Playboy magazine.”


See also




Very interesting, thank you. This is exactly what I was looking for.

Also look up the history of china dolls in photography/film/video.

There are also physical prints of glitch art, and video renders, and they are even shown in art museums. https://yle.fi/uutiset/3-10427458

Is there a short description of how it works?

It screws up your image in a way that allows it to still be decoded by image viewers

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